Several versions of this manuscript survive. The first simply titled, “Abigail the Feminist,” includes material about Abigail Adams (1744-1818) and her early feminist arguments with her husband John Adams. It follows developments to the 1930s. It does not include, however, the material about her descendent, Brooks Adams (1848-1927), which is in the second and third versions, titled “Abigail Adams Makes a Suggestion & Brooks Adams Asks a Question.” All three start with an anecdote about the history of the estate of Albert E. Pillsbury (1849-1930). Here I provide scans of all three versions and a transcription of the third version.
The first version, “Abigail the Feminist”
32AbigailAdamsVer1MS1932The second version, “Abigail Adams Makes a Suggestion & Brooks Adams Asks a Question”
32AbigailAdamsVer2MS1932The third version, “Abigail Adams Makes a Suggestion & Brooks Adams Asks a Question”
32AbigailAdamsVer3MS1932Transcription of the third version