1910 Sermons

Ten sermons for 1910, with dates from January 2, 1910 to December 25, 1910 were collected in a single twine-bound bundle, “bundle #5.” Here is an image of the top page of this collection.


Here is a list of these sermons:


In addition a separate bundle, the “four-twine bundle,” collected 12 other manuscripts that are from this same time period–five are from 1908, 1909 and 1911–but most, seven of 12, are from 1910. The paper is identical to the paper in “bundle #5,” except the paper in the “four-twine bundle” has not been cut in half as it has in “bundle #5.” Unfortunately none of the manuscripts in the “four-twine bundle” are explicitly dated–as are the manuscripts in “bundle #5”–but the “four-twine bundle” manuscripts can be dated by evidence internal to the texts.

The explicit dates in the “bundle #5” manuscripts and internal evidence in the texts make it clear that these were sermons given on Sunday services. This is less clear with the manuscripts from the “four-twine bundle.” Some clearly are not sermons–“What about City Government” states it is for the “Pipe and Pen Club”–but it is difficult to know about the other manuscripts, for example, “The Churches for Truth and Justice,” or “The Churches and Socialism,” etc. I have collected them as “manuscripts” and not sermons, and they can be found in that part of the website, https://wordpress.clarku.edu/dbaird/four-twine-bound-collection-of-manuscripts-1909-1911/.