Note that a number of these working papers have subsequently appeared in amended form in articles and chapters mentioned earlier.


  • Territorios en Movimiento: Dinámicas Territoriales Rurales en América Latina. Julio A. Berdegué, Anthony Bebbington, Javier Escobal, Arilson Favareto, M. Ignacia Fernández, Pablo Ospina, Helle Munk Ravnborg, Francisco Aguirre, Manuel Chiriboga, Ileana Gómez, Ligia Gómez, Félix Modrego, Susan Paulson, Eduardo Ramírez, Alexander Schejtman, Carolina Trivelli. Santiago. Rimisp.


  • Dinámicas territoriales y formación de territories en contextos de expansión de industrias extractivas. Tarija, Bolivia. L.Hinojosa, J.P. Chumacero, G. Cortez, A. Bebbington. Documento de Trabajo 89 Programa Dinámicas Territoriales Rurales. Santiago: Rimisp.


  • An Andean Avatar: Post-neoliberal and neoliberal strategies for promoting extractive industries. A Bebbington and D. Humphreys Bebbington, Brooks World Poverty Institute Working Paper No. 117. Manchester.


  • Decentring poverty, reworking government: movements and states in the government of poverty. A. Bebbington, D. Mitlin, J. Mogaladi, M. Scurrah, C. Bielich Chronic Poverty Research Centre Working Paper 149. Manchester/London: CPRC.


  • Contention and Ambiguity: Mining and the Possibilities of Development. A. Bebbington, L. Hinojosa, D. Humphreys Bebbington, M- Burneo and X. Warnaars Brooks World Poverty Institute Working Paper No. 57. Manchester.
  • Mining and social movements: struggles over livelihood and rural territorial development in the Andes. A. Bebbington, D. Humphreys Bebbington, J. Bury, J.Lingan, J.P.Muñoz and M. Scurrah. Brooks World Poverty Institute Working Paper No. 33. Manchester.


  • Where Does Development Success Come From? Explanations And Practical Implications [Anthony Bebbington and Willy McCourt]. IDPM Discussion Paper, 70 . Manchester.
  • Social movements and chronic poverty across the urban-rural divide: concepts and experiences. D. Mitlin and A. Bebbington] CPRC Working Paper No. 65 and Background Paper for Chronic Poverty Report 2 (2007).
  • Social movements and the politicization of chronic poverty policy. CPRC Working Paper No. 63 and Background Paper for Chronic Poverty Report 2 (2007)
  • Reclaiming development? NGOs and the challenge of alternatives. Diana Mitlin, Sam Hickey, Anthony Bebbington. Global Poverty Research Group Working Paper 43. Oxford. GPRG.


  • El desarrollo de base y los espacios públicos de concertación local en América Latina. Anthony Bebbington; Gonzalo Delamaza y Rodrigo Villar. Santiago. Programa de Ciudadanía y Gestión Local.
  • Los espacios públicos de concertación local y sus limites en un municipio indígena: Guamote, Ecuador. Anthony Bebbington. Santiago. Programa de Ciudadanía y Gestión Local.
  • Knowledge generation for poverty reduction within donor organizations. A Bebbington and A. Barrientos. Global Poverty Research Group Working Paper 23. Oxford. GPRG.
  • Knowledge generation for poverty reduction. A benchmarking study of the World Bank Indonesia Country Office. A Bebbington and A Barrientos. Jakarta. World Bank.


  • Use of civil society organizations to raise the voice of the poor in agricultural policy. A. Bebbington and J. Thompson with others. DfID RNRA Team Working Paper 14. London. DfID.


  • Practice, power and meaning: frameworks for studying organisational culture in multi-agency rural development projects. D. Lewis, A. Bebbington, S. Batterbury, A. Shah, E. Olson, M. S. Siddiqi and S. Duvall. Center for Civil Society International Working Paper No. 12, London School of Economics. London.


  • Induced social capital formation and federations of the rural poor. A Bebbington and T. Carroll. Social Capital Initiative Paper No. 19. Washington. World Bank.


  • “Capitals and capabilities: a framework for analyzing peasant viability, rural livelihoods and poverty in the Andes” Policies That Work Working Paper Series. Sustainable Agriculture Programme, International Institute for Environment and Development. London.


  • “Crises and transitions: non-governmental organizations and political economic change in the Andean region.” Agricultural Research and Extension Network Paper No. 76, ODI. London.
  • “Evaluating the impact of Chilean NGOs: evaluation and the dilemmas of democracy” Boletin RIMISP Denise Bebbington and A. Bebbington.


  • “Participation through Intermediary NGOs.” T.Carroll, M.Schmidt and A.Bebbington. Environment Department Papers No 031. Environment Department. World Bank. Washington DC.
  • “Technology and rural development strategies in a base economic organization: the “El Ceibo” federation of agricultural cooperatives” A.Bebbington, J.Quisbert and G.Trujillo Agricultural Research and Extension Network Paper Number 62. London. Overseas Development Institute.
  • Crisis y caminos: reflexiones heréticas acerca de las ONG, el estado y el desarrollo rural en América Latina. La Paz. NOGUB-COTESU.


  • “Farmer and community organisations in Agricultural Research and Extension: Functions, Impacts and Questions” A.J. Bebbington, D. Merrill-Sands and J.Farrington. Agricultural Research and Extension Network Paper Number 47. London. ODI.
  • “From research to innovation: getting the most from interaction with NGOs in farming systems research and extension.” J.Farrington and A.Bebbington. Gatekeeper Paper Number 43. London. International Institute for Environment and Development. (also published in I.Scoones and J.Thompson 1994 (eds.) Beyond Farmer First: rural peoples’ knowledge, agricultural research and extension practice. London. IT Publications ).


  • “Rural peoples’ knowledge, farmers organisations and regional development: implications for agricultural research and extension.” Bebbington, A.J., Carrasco, H., Peralbo, L., Ramón, G., Torres, V.H. and Trujillo, J. Agricultural Research and Extension Network Paper Number 41. London. ODI.


  • “Private voluntary initiatives: Enhancing the public sector’s capacity to respond to non-governmental organisation needs.” A.J. Bebbington and J. Farrington, In: J.R. Anderson and C. de Haan (eds.) Public and Private Roles in Agricultural Development. Proceedings of the Twelfth Agricultural Sector Symposium. The World Bank: Washington DC.
  • Searching for an indigenous agricultural development: Indian organizations and NGOs in the central Andes of Ecuador. Centre of Latin American Studies, Cambridge University, Working Paper No. 45. Cambridge. Centre of Latin American Studies.
  • “The scope for NGO-government interactions in agricultural technology development: an international overview.” A.J.Bebbington & J Farrington, ODI Agricultural Administration (Research and Extension) Network Paper 33. London. Overseas Development Institute.


  • “Farmer Organizations in Ecuador: Contributions to Farmer First Research and Development.” Gatekeeper Paper 26, Sustainable Agriculture Programme. International Institute of Environment and Development. London.


  • “Institutional options and multiple sources of agricultural innovation. Evidence from an Ecuadorian case study.” Agricultural Administration (Research and Extension) Network Paper 11. London. Overseas Development Institute.


  • “Farmer Strategies in Regional Agricultural Change. The Case of Commercial Potato Production in Oxapampa.” Social Science Working Paper 1988-1. International Potato Center, Lima.