Looking for syllabi? Click on “classes,” rather than on “photos”!
Spring 2016
Comparative Literature 130: The National Imagination
(co-taught with Maria Acosta Cruz and Everett Fox)

Fall 2015
Comparative Literature 109: Human Rights and Literature

German 286: Germans, Jews, and Turks

SpringĀ 2015
Comparative Literature 130: The National Imagination (co-taught with Odile Ferly)

German 230: The German Discovery of Sex

Fall 2014
Comparative Literature 132: Sexuality and Textuality

German 250: German Film and the Frankfurt School

Spring 2014
Comparative Literature 130: The National Imagination
(co-taught with Juan Pablo Rivera)

Comparative Literature 133: Sexuality and Human Rights

Fall 2013
Comparative Literature 109: Human Rights and Literature (First-Year Seminar)
An idyllic day outside
German 220: Global Freud
With Sigmund himself!
Spring 2012
Comparative Literature 130: The National Imagination
(co-taught with Marvin D’Lugo and Alice Valentine)

German 250: German Film and the Frankfurt School

Fall 2011
Comparative Literature 109: Human Rights and Literature (First-Year Seminar)
Enjoying the outside
Comparative Literature 109: Human Rights and Literature
Comparative Literature 132: Sexuality and Textuality

Spring 2011
Comparative Literature 130: The National Imagination
(co-taught with Beth Gale and Alice Valentine)

German 230: The German Discovery of Sex

Fall 2010
Comparative Literature 133: Sexuality and Human Rights
Sexuality and Human Rights
German 222: Faust and the Faustian
Faust and the Faustian
Spring 2010
German 286: Germans, Jews and Turks

Comparative Literature 130: The National Imagination
(co-taught with Belen Atienza and Alice Valentine)

Spring 2009
Comparative Literature 130: The National Imagination
(co-taught with Marvin D’Lugo and Alice Valentine)

German 250: German Film and the Frankfurt School

Stephen Dirado photos are part of his “classroom” project.