The foreign-born population of Worcester, Massachusetts: Assessing the challenges and contributions of a diverse community

Title: The foreign-born population of Worcester, Massachusetts: Assessing the challenges and contributions of a diverse community

Author: Goodman, Michael D.; Borges,  David R.; McCarthy, Michael P. ;  Wright, Jason D. ; Mattos, Trevor V.; Foster, Jawanza ; Citino, Christina and Fenton, Molly

Publication:  Prepared by the Public Policy Center at UMass Dartmouth and the UMass Donahue Institute for the Seven Hills Foundation.

Date: 2015

Description:  This report offers a profile of Worcester’s foreign-born population and points out their unique challenges and contributions to the city. It utilizes data from the U.S. Census Bureau’s 5-year 2009-2013 American Community Survey (ACS) and Public Use Microdata Sample (PUMS). In order to provide a broader context for the profile, qualitative interviews with four Worcester based service providers were conducted. The report also provides an analysis of the impact the children of the foreign-born have on the public education system.

Keywords: census data, education

Cataloged By: Selina Sikder / B.J. Perkins

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