Publications By Year

2024 and in press

Vollhardt, J.R., Ünal, H.*, & Nair, R.* (in press). Between solidarity and betrayal: How differences in societal acknowledgment, group position, and expectations inform intergroup relations in the context of collective victimization. International Journal of Social Psychology.

Twali, M.S., Eldeeb, S., & Vollhardt, J. R. (in press). Acknowledgment of collective victimization: Findings from four contexts of historical victimization. Analyses of Social Issues and Public Policy

Vollhardt, J.R., Konushevci, T., Macedonci, A., & Lee, H. (in press). Never again: Lessons of genocide in survivor testimonies from the Holocaust, Nanjing Massacre, and Rwandan Genocide. European Journal of Social Psychology. 

Marazzi, C., & Vollhardt, J. R. (in press). “When you live in a colony… Every act counts”: Exploring engagement in and perceptions of diverse anti-colonial resistance strategies in Puerto Rico. British Journal of Social Psychology.

Jeong, H. Y., Vollhardt, J. R., Twali, M. S., & Tawa, J. (in press). Different power perceptions based on socially situated needs: Findings from a qualitative study among Asian Americans. British Journal of Social Psychology. 

Ledgerwood, A., Lawson, K. M., Kraus, M. W., Vollhardt, J. R., Remedios, J. D., Westberg, D. W., Uskul, A. K., Adetula, A., Leach, C. W., Martinez, J. E., Naumann, L. P., Reddy, G., Tate, C., Todd, A. R., Weltzien, K., Buchanan, N. T., González, R., Montilla Doble, L. J., Romero-Canyas, R., Westgate, E., & Zou, L. X. (2024). Disrupting racism and global exclusion in academic publishing: Recommendations and resources for authors, reviewers, and editors. Collabra: Psychology, 10 (1), 121394. 

Skrodza, M., & Vollhardt, J.R. (2024). Collective victim beliefs in the aftermath of historical trauma and their effects on psychological well-being: Initial findings among the Polish diaspora in the U.S. Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology, 34(4), e2832. 

Bou Zeineddine, F., & Vollhardt, J. R. (2024). Resistance to repression and violence: Global psychological perspectives. Oxford University Press.

Vollhardt, J.R., & Bou Zeineddine, F. (2024). Introduction: The psychology of resistance in violent and repressive contexts. In F. Bou Zeineddine & J.R. Vollhardt (Eds.), Resistance to repression and violence: Global psychological perspectives (pp. 1-21). Oxford University Press.

Vollhardt, J.R., & Bilewicz, M. (2024). Jewish resistance during the Holocaust: Influences on the choice between individual and collective resistance strategies. In F. Bou Zeineddine & J.R. Vollhardt (Eds.), Resistance to repression and violence: Global psychological perspectives (pp. 179-200). Oxford University Press.

Bou Zeineddine, F., & Vollhardt, J.R. (2024). The psychology of resistance in violent and repressive contexts: A conclusion and a beginning. In F. Bou Zeineddine & J.R. Vollhardt (Eds.), Resistance to repression and violence: Global psychological perspectives (pp. 325-341). Oxford University Press.

Acar, Y. G., Figueiredo, A., Kutlaca, M., Li, M., Mustafa, A., Sagherian-Dickey, T., Vestergren, S., & Vollhardt, J.R. (2024). Why protest when it is not working? The complexities of efficacy in the current Palestine solidarity protests. Social Psychological Review, 26 (1), 10-17. (shared first authorship, authors listed in alphabetical order)

Penić, S., Vollhardt, J. R., Donnay, K., Albzour, M., & Bhavnani, R. (2024). The geography of military occupation and its effect on Palestinian community cohesion, norms and resistance motivation. Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology, 30(1), 94-106. 


Twali, M.S., Overstreet, N., & Vollhardt, J. R. (2023). Lay theories about collective power in the context of racial oppression. European Journal of Social Psychology, 53(6), 1037-1054.

Okuyan, M., Vollhardt, J.R., & Stewart, A. (2023). What predicts perceived discrimination among White Americans? Findings from two nationally representative studies. Analyses of Social Issues and Public Policy, 23(1), 45-72.

Vollhardt, J. R., Ünal, H., & Nair, R. (2023). ‘You don’t compare horrors, you just don’t do that’: Examining assumptions and extending the scope of comparative victim beliefs. British Journal of Social Psychology, 62(1), 393–413.

Cohrs, J. C., Figueiredo, A., Putra, I. E., & Vollhardt, J. R. (2024). Editorial report and acknowledgement of reviewers, 2023. Journal of Social and Political Psychology, 12(1), 1-4. 


Okuyan, M., & Vollhardt, J.R. (2022). The role of group versus hierarchy motivations in dominant groups’ perceived discrimination. Group Processes & Intergroup Relations, 25(3) NP54–NP80.

Rupar, M., Bobowik, M., Arnoso, M., Arnoso, A., & Vollhardt, J. R. (2022). General inclusive victimhood predicts willingness to engage in intergroup contact: Findings from Bosnia-Herzegovina and the Basque Country. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 52(2), 71-84.

Vollhardt, J.R., Jeong, H., & Bilali, R. (2022). Reconciliation in the aftermath of collective violence. In D. Osborne & C. Sibley (Eds.), The Cambridge Handbook of Political Psychology (pp. 582-598). Cambridge University Press.

Cohrs, J. C., & Vollhardt, J. R. (2022). Editorial Report and Acknowledgement of Reviewers, 2021. Journal of Social and Political Psychology10(1), 1-6.


Vollhardt, J.R., Szabó, Z., McNeill, A., Hadjiandreou, E., & Winiewski, M. (2021). Beyond comparisons: The complexity and context-dependency of collective victim beliefs. European Journal of Social Psychology, 51 (7), 1138-1157.

Vollhardt, J.R., Cohrs, J.C.,  Szabó, Z.P., Winiewski, M., Twali, M.S., Hadjiandreou, E., & McNeill, A. (2021). The role of comparative victim beliefs in predicting support for hostile versus prosocial intergroup outcomes. European Journal of Social Psychology, 51(3), 505-524.

Vollhardt, J.R., Twali, M. S., & Jayakody, S. (2021). Inclusive narratives of suffering. In G. Elcheroth & N. de Mel (Eds.), In the shadow of transitional justice. Cross-national perspectives on the transformative potential of remembrance. Routledge.

Jeong, H., & Vollhardt, J.R. (2021a). Koreans’ collective victim beliefs about Japanese colonization. Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology, 27(4), 629–641.

Jeong, H., & Vollhardt, J.R. (2021b). Different collective memories of Japanese colonization in Korea: Consequences for distinct preferences for strategies to deal with the past. Asian Journal of Social Psychology, 24(3), 392-404.

Penić, S., Vollhardt, J.R., & Reicher, S. (2021). Reconciliation versus justice? It depends on the context: The role of symmetric and asymmetric violence in predicting post-conflict attitudes. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 12 (2), 202-212.


Nair, R., & Vollhardt, J.R. (2020). Intersectionality and relations between oppressed groups: Intergroup implications of beliefs about intersectional differences and commonalities. Journal of Social Issues, 76, 993-1013.

Vollhardt, J. R., Okuyan, M., & Ünal, H. (2020). Resistance to collective victimization and oppression. Current Opinion in Psychology, 35, 92-97.

Vollhardt, J.R. (Ed.). (2020). The social psychology of collective victimhood. New York: Oxford University Press.

Vollhardt, J.R. (2020). Introduction to “The social psychology of collective victimhood”: Examining context, power, and diversity in experiences of collective victimization. In J. R. Vollhardt (Ed.), The social psychology of collective victimhood. New York: Oxford University Press.

Twali, M., Hameiri, B., Vollhardt, J. R., & Nadler, A. (2020). Experiencing acknowledgment versus denial of the ingroup’s collective victimization. In J. R. Vollhardt (Ed.), The social psychology of collective victimhood. New York: Oxford University Press.

McNeill, A. & Vollhardt, J. R. (2020). “We all suffered!” – The role of power in rhetorical strategies of inclusive victimhood and its consequences for intergroup relations. In J. R. Vollhardt (Ed.), The social psychology of collective victimhood. New York: Oxford University Press.

Szabó, Z., Vollhardt, J.R., & Mészáros, N. (2020). Through the lens of history: The effects of beliefs about historical victimization on responses to refugees. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 74, 94-114.

Cohrs, J.C., & Vollhardt, J.R. (2020). Editorial report and acknowledgment of reviewers, 2019 [Editorial]. Journal of Social and Political Psychology, 8, 1-7.


Vollhardt, J.R., & Twali, M.S.  (2019).  The aftermath of genocide: Divergent social psychological processes among victim and perpetrator groups. In L. S. Newman (Ed.), Confronting humanity at its worst: The social psychology of genocide and extreme intergroup violence. New York: Oxford University Press.

Bilali, R., & Vollhardt, J.R. (2019). Victim and perpetrator groups’ divergent perspectives on collective violence: Implications for intergroup relations. Advances in Political Psychology, 40, 75-108.

Nair, R., & Vollhardt, J. R. (2019). Intersectional consciousness in collective victim beliefs: perceived intragroup differences among disadvantaged groups. Political Psychology, 40(50), 917-934.

Cohrs, J. C., & Vollhardt, J. R. (2019). Editorial report and acknowledgement of reviewers, 2018. Journal of Social and Political Psychology, 7(1), 1-7.


Vollhardt, J.R. & Nair, R. (2018). The two-sided nature of individual and intragroup experiences in the aftermath of collective victimization: Findings from four diaspora groups. European Journal of Social Psychology, 48 (4), 412-432.

Cohrs, J.C., Vollhardt, J.R., & McKeown Jones, S. (2018). Intergroup conflict, peace and reconciliation. In C.J. Hewer & E. Lyons (Eds.), Political psychology: A social psychological approach (pp. 292-312). Oxford: BPS Wiley.

Schroer-Hippel, M., Cohrs, J.C., & Vollhardt, J. R. (2018). Sozialpsychologische Friedens- und Konfliktforschung [Social psychological peace and conflict studies]. In O. Decker (Ed.), Sozialpsychologie und Sozialtheorie. [Social psychology and social theory]. Wiesbaden, Germany: Springer VS-Verlag.

Cohrs, J.C., & Vollhardt, J.R. (2018). Editorial report and acknowledgment of reviewers, 2017 [Editorial]. Journal of Social and Political Psychology, 6, 1-7.


Vollhardt, J.R. (2017). Using norms, knowledge, and narratives for the prevention of crimes against humanity and genocide. In S. Totten (Ed.), Last lectures: The prevention and intervention of genocide. New York: Routledge.

Noor, M., Vollhardt, J.R., Mari, S., & Nadler, A. (Eds.) (2017). The social psychology of collective victimhood. European Journal of Social Psychology, 47. [special issue]

Noor, M., Vollhardt, J.R., Mari, S., & Nadler, A. (2017). Social psychology of collective victimhood. (Introduction to the special issue) European Journal of Social Psychology, 47, 121-134.

Bilali, R., Vollhardt, J.R., & Rarick, J.R.D. (2017). Modeling collective action through media to promote social change and positive intergroup relations in violent conflicts. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 68, 200-211.

Cohrs, J.C., & Vollhardt, J.R. (2017). Editorial report and acknowledgment of reviewers, 2016 [Editorial]. Journal of Social and Political Psychology, 5, 1-7.


Vollhardt, J.R., & Twali, M. S. (2016). Emotion-based reconciliation requires attention to power differences, critical consciousness, and structural change. Psychological Inquiry, 27, 136-143.  

Vollhardt, J.R., Nair, R., & Tropp, L. (2016). Inclusive victim consciousness predicts minority group members’ support for refugees and immigrants. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 46, 354–368.

Moss, S. M., & Vollhardt, J.R. (2016). “You can’t give a syringe with unity”: Rwandan responses to the government’s single recategorization policies. Analyses of Social Issues and Public Policy, 16, 325-359.

Mazur, L., & Vollhardt, J. R. (2016). The prototypicality of genocide: Implications for international intervention. Analyses of Social Issues and Public Policy, 16, 290-320.

Bilali, R., Vollhardt, J.R., & Rarick, J. R. D. (2016). Assessing the impact of a media-based intervention to prevent intergroup violence and promote positive intergroup relations in Burundi. Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology, 26, 221-235.

Vollhardt, J.R., & Campbell-Obaid., M. (2016). The social psychology of genocide and mass atrocities. In A. Miller (Ed.), The social psychology of good and evil (2nd ed., pp. 159-184). New York: Guilford Press.

Vollhardt, J.R. (2016). The role of social psychology in preventing group-selective mass atrocities. In S. Rosenberg, T. Galis, & A. Zucker (Eds.), Reconstructing atrocity prevention (pp. 95-124). New York: Cambridge University Press.

Cohrs, J. C., & Vollhardt, J. R. (2016). Editorial report and acknowledgement of reviewers, 2015 [Editorial]. Journal of Social and Political Psychology, 4, 1-7.


Vollhardt, J.R., & Bilali, R. (2015). The role of inclusive and exclusive victim consciousness in predicting intergroup attitudes: Findings from Rwanda, Burundi, and DRC. Political Psychology, 36, 489-506.

Vollhardt, J.R. (2015). Inclusive victim consciousness in advocacy, social movements, and intergroup relations: Promises and pitfalls. Social Issues and Policy Review, 9, 89-120.

Bilali, R., & Vollhardt, J.R. (2015). Can mass media interventions effectively promote peace in contexts of ongoing violence? Evidence from Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo. Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology, 21, 604-620.

Cohrs, J. C., McNeill, A., & Vollhardt, J. R. (2015). The two-sided role of inclusive victimhood for intergroup reconciliation: Evidence from Northern Ireland. Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology, 21, 634-647.

Vollhardt, J. R., Bilewicz, M., & Olechowski, M. (2015). Victims under siege: Lessons for Polish-Jewish relations and beyond. In K. Sharvit & E. Halperin (Eds.), The social psychology of intractable conflicts – celebrating the legacy of Daniel Bar-Tal, volume I (pp. 75-87). New York: Springer.

Mazur, L., Nair, R., & Vollhardt, J. R. (2015). Dynamics of group and intergroup relations. In A. Dost-Gözkan & D. Sönmez Keith (Eds.), Norms, groups, conflict and social change: Rediscovering Muzafer Sherif’s Psychology (159-186). Piscataway, NJ: Transaction.

Cohrs, J.C., & Vollhardt, J.R. (2015). Editorial report and acknowledgment of reviewers, 2014 [Editorial]. Journal of Social and Political Psychology, 3, 1-7.


Vollhardt, J.R., Mazur, L.B., & Lemahieu, M.  (2014). Acknowledgment after mass violence: Effects on psychological well-being and intergroup relations. Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, 17, 306 – 323.

Campbell, M., & Vollhardt, J.R. (2014). Fighting the good fight: The relationship between belief in evil and support for violent policies. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 40, 16-33.

Vollhardt, J.R. (2014). The question of legitimacy in studying collective trauma. In I. Maček (Ed.), Engaging violence. Trauma, memory, and representation (pp. 74-90). New York, NY: Routledge.

Nair, R., & Vollhardt, J.R. (2014). Understanding intergroup relations in India: The role of group-based victim consciousness. Charpoy: An Interdisciplinary Journal of the Social Sciences, 1, 50-61.


Vollhardt, J.R., & Bilewicz, M. (Eds.). (2013). The aftermath of genocide: psychological perspectives. Journal of Social Issues, 69 (1). [special issue]

Vollhardt, J.R., & Cohrs, J.C. (2013). Aktuelle Sozialpsychologische Beitrӓge zur Friedens- und Konfliktforschung [Current social psychological contributions to Peace and Conflict Studies]. Zeitschrift für Friedens- und Konfliktforschung [Journal of Peace and Conflict Studies], 2, 246-277.

Bilali, R., & Vollhardt, J.R. (2013). Priming effects of a reconciliation radio drama on historical perspective taking in the aftermath of mass violence in Rwanda. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 49, 144-151.

Vollhardt, J.R. (2013). “Crime against humanity” or “Crime against Jews”? Acknowledgment in construals of the Holocaust and its importance for intergroup relations. Journal of Social Issues, 69, 144-161.

Vollhardt, J.R., & Bilewicz, M. (2013). After the genocide: psychological perspectives on victim, bystander, and perpetrator groups. Journal of Social Issues, 69, 1-15.

Cohrs, J.C., & Vollhardt, J.R. (2013). Welcome to a new international open-access journal in social and political psychology [Editorial]. Journal of Social and Political Psychology, 1, 1-4.

Vollhardt, J. R. (2013). Genozid [Genocide]. In M. Wirtz (Ed.), Dorsch – Psychologisches Wӧrterbuch [Dorsch – Psychological Dictionary] (16th ed., p. 621). Bern, Switzerland: Hans Huber. URL:

Vollhardt, J. R. (2013). Ethnischer Konflikt [Ethnic conflict]. In M. Wirtz (Ed.), Dorsch – Psychologisches Wӧrterbuch [Dorsch – Psychological Dictionary] (16th ed., p. 499). Bern, Switzerland: Hans Huber. URL:


 Vollhardt, J.R. (2012). Interpreting rights and duties after mass violence. Culture and Psychology, 18, 133-145.

Bilewicz, M., & Vollhardt, J. R. (2012). Evil transformations: Psychological processes underlying genocide and mass killing. In A. Golec De Zavala & A. Cichocka (Eds.), Social psychology of social problems. The intergroup context (pp. 280 – 307). New York, NY: Palgrave Macmillan.

Vollhardt, J. R. (2012). Collective victimization. In L. Tropp (Ed.), Oxford handbook of intergroup conflict (pp. 136 – 157). New York, NY: Oxford University Press.

Groeben, N. & Vollhardt, J.R. (2012). Friedenspsychologie als zielorientierte Praxisforschung. Eine metatheoretisch-methodologische Kritik. [Peace psychology as goal-oriented, practice-focused research. A meta-theoretical methodological critique.] In W. Baros & J. Rost (Eds.), Natur- und kulturwissenschaftliche Perspektiven in der Psychologie. Methodologie – Methoden – Anwendungsbeispiele [Natural and cultural science perspectives in psychology. Methodology – methods – application examples] (pp. 17-27). Berlin, Germany: Verlag irina regener.

Vollhardt, J. R. (2012). Collective victimhood. In D. J. Christie (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Peace Psychology (pp. 1164-1167). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell.

Vollhardt, J. R. (2012). Social psychological peace research. In D. J. Christie (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Peace Psychology (pp. 1037-1041). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell.

Vollhardt, J. R. (2012). Tolerance for diverse groups. In D. J. Christie (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Peace Psychology (pp. 1117-1121). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell.


Vollhardt, J. R., & Staub, E. (2011). Inclusive altruism born of suffering: The effects of past suffering on prosocial behavior toward outgroups. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 81, 307-315.  

Vollhardt, J.R. (2011). Beyond damage and social reproduction: Meaning making, agency, and living history among youth in the aftermath of violent conflict. Invited book review, Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology, 17, 210-214.

Vollhardt, J.R. (2011). Power and dehumanization as barriers to intergroup dialogue: Commentary on “Toward a dialogical model of conflict resolution” (Seamus A. Power). Society and Psychology, 4, 71-75.


Vollhardt, J. R. (2010). Enhanced external and culturally sensitive attributions after extended intercultural contact. British Journal of Social Psychology, 49, 363-383.


Vollhardt, J.R. (2009). Altruism born of suffering and prosocial behavior following adverse life events: A review and conceptual integration. Social Justice Research, 22, 53-97.

Vollhardt, J. R. (2009). The role of victim beliefs in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict: Risk or potential for peace? Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology, 15, 135-159.

Shapiro, I., Bilali, R., & Vollhardt, J. (2009). Peace. In S. J. Lopez (Ed.), The encyclopedia of positive psychology, Vol. 2 (pp. 672-676). Oxford, UK: Wiley-Blackwell.


Staub, E., & Vollhardt, J. (2008). Altruism born of suffering: The roots of caring and helping after experiences of personal and political victimization. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 78, 267-280.

Vollhardt, J., & Bilali, R. (2008). Social psychology’s contribution to the psychological study of peace: A review. Social Psychology, 39, 12-25.

Vollhardt, J., & Migacheva, K., & Tropp, L. (2008). Social cohesion and tolerance for group differences. In J. de Rivera (Ed.), Handbook on building cultures of peace (pp. 139-152). Berlin, New York: Springer.

 prior to 2008

 Vollhardt, J., Coutin, M., Staub, E., Weiss, G., & Deflander, J. (2007). Deconstructing hate speech in the DRC: A psychological media sensitization campaign. Journal of Hate Studies, 5, 15-36.

Vollhardt, J. (2004). Der Einfluss des Faktors Geschlecht auf die Filmpräferenz [The influence of gender on the preference of film genres]. In B. Boeckle & M. Ruf (Eds.), Eine Frage des Geschlechts. Ein Gender-Reader [The question of gender. A gender reader]. (pp. 207-219). Wiesbaden, Germany: Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.

Carroll, M. & Vollhardt, J. (2002). “If people want to have dual citizenship, what’s wrong with that?” Examining the legal and emotional aspects of dual citizenship in Germany. Humanity in Action – Reports of the Fellows (Vol. 4) (pp. 127 – 130). New York.

Schick, H., Vollhardt, J., Herfordt, J., Groeben, N. & Reiß, F. (2000). Beziehungs- oder Prinzipientreue in der Politik? Eine inhaltsanalytische Untersuchung zur moralischen Beurteilung politischer Affären anhand des Stufenmodells nach Kohlberg [Loyalty toward personal relations or principles in politics? A content-analytic study of politicians’ moral judgments according to Kohlberg’s stage model]. Kölner Psychologische Studien, 5, 27-55.