When We Were Home: A Collection of Memories from Burmese Refugee Youth

Title: When We Were Home: A Collection of Memories from Burmese Refugee Youth

Author: Compiled by Mark Fusunyan, Courtney Temple and Alyse Wheelock; illustrations by Hay Reh

Date: 2016

Description: This is a collection of stories and artwork by Burmese refugee youth living in Worcester, MA, compiled by volunteers with the Worcester Refugee Assistance Project. The images and narratives tell the stories of various youth whose families fled the ongoing civil conflict in Burma. These youth lived in refugee camps along the border of Burma and Thailand, before being resettled as refugees in Worcester. The stories touch on topics of Burmese culture, life in the refugee camps, the youth’s journey to the U.S., their expectations, realities, challenges and successes.

Keywords: Burma, Refugee Camps, Resettlement, Refugee Youth

Cataloged by: Patrick Barnosky/ B. J. Perkins

Understanding trauma symptoms in culturally diverse youth: Focus group data from South High Community School

Title: Understanding trauma symptoms in culturally diverse youth: Focus group data from South High Community School

Author: Diep, Christina, Supreetha Gubbala and Ganga Bey 

Date: 2016

Description: Poster from the University of Massachusetts Medical School 2016 Global Health Poster Session


Keywords: Trauma symptoms, Youth trauma

Cataloged by: Patrick Barnosky/ B.J. Perkins

Why Worcester?

Title: Why Worcester?

Date: 2013

Description: An overview of the project to record and preserve the stories of recent immigrants and refugees to Worcester, MA, developed by the New England Archivists with the assistance of StoryCorps, and in collaboration with Worcester Historical Museum, Lutheran Social Services, the Worcester Cultural Development Office and the Worcester Women’s Oral History Project.

Keywords: Oral History, Refugee Stories

Cataloged by: Patrick Barnosky / B.J. Perkins

Understanding and addressing the legal needs of refugees

Title: Understanding and addressing the legal needs of refugees

Author: Haley, Heather-Lyn and Zolezzi-Wyndham, Valerie

Date: 2014

Description: 2014 UMass Center for Clinical and Transnational Service Research Retreat Presentation.


Keywords: legal services, legal needs

Cataloged by: Selina Sikder/ B.J. Perkins

Course Syllabi

Title: Course Syllabi

Description:  Syllabi from courses taught in the Department of International Development, Community and Environment at Clark University that include research involving refugee communities in Worcester.

Cataloged By: B.J. Perkins

Health beliefs, literacy and education of Somali refugees

Title: Health beliefs, literacy and education of Somali refugees

Author: Bialecki, Alison; Gotta, Lucille; and Pilegi, Paul

Date: 2013

Description: 2013 UMMS (University of Massachusetts Medical School) Population Health Clerk Poster Presentation


Keywords: Somali, health literacy

Cataloged By: B.J. Perkins