Title: From sheeps and tobacco to pizza and pancakes: Greek immigrant entrepreneurs in Worcester’s food business
Author: Lenis, Catherin
Date: May 2014
Description: Master’s Paper, Clark University, Department of International Development, Community and Environment
This paper explores the phenomenon of Greek immigrant food entrepreneurs in Worcester, Massachusetts. Throughout the twentieth century major waves of Greeks immigrated to Worcester and through the process of kinship migration and familial networks gravitated towards specific business niches. This study examines the high volume of Greek owned pizza places and diners in Worcester from the late 1980s to the present as one such business niche. The hard work of the Greek immigrants and familial support led them to entrepreneurial success in the food business. However, all participants in this study emphasized the importance of education for their children and for their continued success in reaching their goals.
Keywords: Greek immigrants, business niche, food entrepreneur, pizza
Cataloged by: Selina Sikder/ B. J. Perkins