This project revolves around and incorporates ideas about how music recording has changed our musical climate, with a focus on performance. The phrase musical climate, incorporated throughout this project, refers to our collective ideas and feelings about music on an individual and social level. Music surrounds us constantly just like climate and changes because of our actions.
This project also consists of “branches”. These branches are called branches to indicate that ideas grow from other ideas and that somehow all of these ideas are connected. These branches include the ideas of Marshall McLuhan, Lori Irving, Peter Sulski and an analysis of Brahms Op. 114.
This project connects ideas about body image to music media, two seemingly unrelated entities. However, these ideas work together, connect and speak to the interconnectedness of all knowledge and how ideas connect like the branches of a tree.
True research is also never finished. With more time, this project could have had twice as many branches. Another aspect of the concept of branches is that they continue to grow and give rise to other branches. This project is just one small part of Clark University Music Research, a collective set of ideas that I hope continues to grow and branch off in years to come.
Sarah Maloney
Clark University, ’17