Grade Levels

“The secret in learning lies in respecting the student” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

12th Grade Environmental Science: In the fall, I started off the year teaching a senior environmental science class. It was a profoundly challenging experience because of their pre-existing behavior issues that caused even veteran teachers to struggle with teaching them. Additionally, difficulty with converting my knowledge of environmental issues into engaging and accessible activities for their age group only complicated this.

Seniors before they work on a List Mania activity on agriculture vocabulary.

Seniors before they work on a List Mania activity on agriculture vocabulary.

9th Grade Biology: I ended up substituting for Jody Bird, the 9th Biology teacher, because she was on maternity leave. it delayed my 8th grade take over but gave me some experience in teaching at the early high school level. I taught them about cell organelles and gave them a quiz before Thanksgiving break.

8th Grade Science: After Thanksgiving, I jumped from teaching 9th and 12th grade right into teaching the two periods of 8th grade students. I had already been teaching them on Wednesdays, so they knew me well. 8A and 8B have different characteristics that form each class, they are both heterogenous groups of students.

Each has their own distinct qualities. I find 8B to be more chatty, excitable, and gregarious than 8A. 8A is well behaved and to has developed a stronger classroom community, but tends to take longer with concepts.

8A: Kevin and Miguel using compression to bond bridge parts

8A: Kevin and Miguel using compression to bond bridge parts. 

Next Up: Classroom(s)