Robert J. S. Ross

Selected Publications

 “Consumers and Producers: Agency, Power and Social Enfranchisement.” a contribution to a special issue of the journal Development and Changeto be published by Wiley.  Editors, Jennifer Bair and Douglas Miller


“The Rag Trade as the Canary in the Coalmine: The Global Sweatshop 1980-2010” New Labor Forum 20(1): 42-49, Winter 2011


“China, Asia and Labor Standards after the MFA”. “China, Asia and Labor Standards after the MFA”. Asia and the Transformation of the World-system Volume XXXI, Political Economy of the World System. Editor, Ganesh Trichur. Paradigm. 2009

“Reflections on the Sociology Liberation Movement of 1968. Crisis, Politics, and Critical Sociology, 2009, Graham Cassano and Richard Dello Buono (eds), Boston and Leiden: Brill

“From antisweatshop to global justice to antiwar: how the new New Left is the same and different from the old New Left.” In Transforming Globalization Challenges and Opportunities in the Post 9/11 Era . Edited by Bruce Podobnik and Thomas Reifer. Pages 111-121. Brill (paperback version of 2005 publication)


[With Kate Driscoll and other students] “Asia comes to Main Street and may learn to speak Spanish:  Globalization in a poor neighborhood in Worcester.“  Journal of World Systems Research XIII:2

[With Shelly Tenenbaum] “Who Rules American?” Teaching Sociology No. 4 (Winter 2006): 65-85.


“Sweatshop Labor: (Re)Framing Immigration.” In David Croteau, William Hoynes, and Charlotte Ryan, editors, Rhyming Hope and History: Activists, Academics, and Social Movement Scholarship. Essays in Honor of William Gamson . University of Minnesota Press.

“A Tale of Two Factories: Successful Resistance to Sweatshops and the Limits of Firefighting.” Labor Studies Journal. Winter 2005/6.


Slaves to Fashion: Poverty and Abuse in the New Sweatshop

“From Antisweatshop to Global Justice to Antiwar: How the new New Left is the Same and Different From the old New Left.” Journal of World Systems Research 10:1 287-319.


Racing to the bottom: international trade without a social clause.” With Anita Chan. Third World Quarterly . 24:6. pp 1011-1028.

John Shandra, Robert JS Ross and Bruce London, “Global Capitalism and the Flow of Foreign Direct Investment to Non-Core Nations, 1980-1996: A Quantitative, Cross-National Analysis.” [Accepted for publication] International Journal of Comparative Sociology . v44 i3 p199(40).


“The New Sweatshops in the United States: How New, How Real, How Many, and Why?” Chapter 5, in Free Trade and Uneven Development: The North American Apparel Industry after NAFTA . Edited by Gary Gereffi, David Spener, and Jennifer Bair. Temple University Press.

From North-South to South-South: The True Face of Global Competition.” Foreign Affairs . Volume 81:5. Reprinted in Cooperation South . United Nations Development Programme. 2002 Annual Volume. Pp. 70-77.


“The Decline of Labor Standards in The U.S. Apparel Industry.” Globalization: Critical Perspectives , edited by G. Kohler and E.J.Chaves (New York: Nova Science).

“Sweatshop Police.” The Nation . September 3, 10. Pp. 6-7.


“NAFTA and the Race to the Bottom.” In Global Capitalism, Liberation Theology and the Social Sciences: An Analysis of the Structures of Dependency at the Turn of the Millennium . A. Tausch & P.M. Zulehner (eds). Commack, NY. Nova Scientific.

“Countdown in Managua.” The Nation . September 4, 2000. Pp. 25-27.


“Influence of C. Wright Mills on Students for a Democratic Society: An Interview with Bob Ross.” With Trevino, A. Javier Humanity & Society . v 22 n 3:260-277.


Global Capitalism: The New Leviathan , with Kent Trachte, SUNY Press.