Worcester Campaign Finance

The project is the work of students of the Clark University Department of Political Science, under the supervision of Professor Robert Boatright.  Every municipal election cycle, Clark students analyzed the campaign receipts and expenditures in Worcester’s mayoral, city council, and school committee elections.  They have compared the costs of Worcester’s elections to those of other Massachusetts cities, and they have interviewed most of the candidate who have run in Worcester’s elections.  The aim of this project is to provide citizens of Worcester with information on the amount of money spent in municipal elections and on where this money comes from.  This project draws upon data available from the state of Massachusetts and the city of Worcester; its goal is to organize this information in a way that provides useful information to citizens and promotes consideration of the link between campaign finance and democracy.  This information is provided not to promote or criticize candidates, but in pursuit of openness and transparency in local politics.

Continue to the Worcester campaign finance project website.