

My first book, Expressive Politics:  Issue Strategies of Congressional Challengers, was published by the Ohio State University Press in 2004.  You can read about it or buy a copy here.

During the 1990s and early 2000s I also wrote several articles and monographs on issues related to jury selection and jury summons response; please see my vita for a full listing.  This stuff was all written while I was a research fellow at the American Judicature Society (AJS).  Sadly, AJS was disbanded in 2014, but several worthy organizations have continued its mission of improving American courts and the American judiciary.  You can read a little about about the history of AJS here.  IF you’re here because you’re looking for copies of my monographs on jury summons nonresponse, the role of age in jury summons response, and the guide we put together on jury deliberations, please email me and I’m happy to send a copy.