ABCT Conference

This past week, our lab had a good showing at ABCT. Kristen and Tamara presented individual posters on data from our work with Latino men, while I was a discussant on an excellent symposium focused on ethnic minority children. Congratulations to all for a great conference!

Article to appear in Psychological Services

Rachel Ishikawa just received word that the manuscript from her dissertation was accepted for publication in the APA journal Psychological Services. Her study investigated the psychological factors associated with Latino patient follow through on PCP recommendation for subsequent mental healthcare. She obtained patient evaluations of their PCP’s cultural competence, their working alliance, and their treatment preference. Over two time periods, results indicated that patient-PCP working alliance was positively associated with intention to follow up on a treatment recommendation. Moreover, the patient-PCP working alliance mediated the relationship between cultural competence and intention of following up on the recommendation. Congratulations, Rachel!

Journal of Latina/o Psychology, Vol 1(4)

The fourth issue of the inaugural volume of the Journal of Latina/o Psychology comes out this month (November). Contained within this issue are five empirical articles covering a range of topics, including psychological well-being among caregivers, predictors of positive adolescent functioning, and therapists’ experiences of cross-ethnic therapy with Spanish-speaking clients. Enjoy!