JLP continues to publish interesting and cutting-edge research in areas relevant to Latina/os. The second issue of JLP came out this month, with four excellent articles that span a range of topics including immigration, educational achievement, spirituality, and mental health treatment.
In February, the inaugural issue of the Journal of Latina/o Psychology was published! This journal, published jointly between the National Latina/o Psychological Association (NLPA) and the American Psychological Association (APA), will present the latest research on issues relevant to Latinos. Dr. Cardemil is one of the associate editors of this journal, which is being edited by Dr. Azara Santiago-Rivera. One of the articles published in this first issue was authored by Oswaldo Moreno from our lab!
Monica Sanchez has authored an excellent paper that will be published in an uncoming issue of the journal, Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology. In this article, Monica examines how Brazilians, immigrant Latinos, and Puerto Ricans report symptoms of depression and anxiety, as well as their utilization of mental health services.