Jack Lab


O’Brien AE, Jack CN, Friesen, ML, Frederickson, ME. 2021. Whose trait is it anyways?: Coevolution of joint phenotypes and genetic architecture in mutualisms. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 288: 2020483

Jack CN, Petipas RH, Cheeke TE, Rowland JL, Friesen ML. 2020. Microbial Inoculants: Silver Bullet or Microbial Jurassic Park? Trends in Micro

Petipas RH, Bowsher A, Bekkerring C, Jack CN, Mclachlan E, White RA, Younginger BS, Tiemann LK,

Evans SE, Friesen ML. 2020. Interactive effects of microbes and nitrogen on panicum virgatum root functional traits and patterns of phenotypic selection. International Journal of Plant Sciences 181(1)

Jack CN & Friesen ML. 2019. Rapid evolution of Medicago polymorpha during invasion shifts interactions with the Soybean looper. Ecology & Evolution

Jack CN, Rowe S, Porter SS, Friesen ML. 2019. High-throughput method of analyzing plant defensive compound production in minimized sample mass. Applications in Plant Science 7(1) e01210

Jack, CN, Wozniak K, Porter S, Friesen ML. Rhizobia provide Medicago polymorpha with phytoprotection against complex soil microbes. Rhizosphere 9:47-55

Jack CN, Sheheman L, Friesen ML, Hintze A. 2017. Third-party mutualists have contrasting effects on host invasion under the enemy-release and biotic-resistance hypotheses. Evolutionary Ecology 1-17

Jack CN, Buttery NJ, Adu-Oppong B, Powers M, Thompson CRL, Queller DC, Strassmann

2015 Migration in the social stage of Dictyostelium discoideum amoebae impacts competition. PeerJ 3:e1352 https://doi.org/10.7717/peerj.1352

Buttery NJ, Jack CN, Adu-Oppong B, Powers M, Queller DC, Strassmann JE. 2012. Structured growth and genetic drift raise relatedness in the social amoeba Dictyostelium discoideum. Biology Letters 8(4): 794-797

Jack CN, Adu-Oppong B, Powers M, Queller DC, Strassmann JE. 2011. Cost of movement in the multicellular stage of the social amoebae Dictyostelium discoideum and D. purpureum. Ethology, Ecology and Evolution 23(4): 358-367.

Jack CN, Ridgeway JG, Mehdiabadi NJ, Jones EI, Edwards TA, Queller DC, and Strassmann JE. Segregate or cooperate- a study of the interaction between two species of Dictyostelium. BMC Evolutionary Biology 8:293

Mehdiabadi NJ, Jack CN, Farnham TT, Platt TG, Kalla SE, Shaulsky G, Queller DC, and Strassmann JE. 2006. Kin preference in a social microbe. Nature 442: 881-882