THRIVE Co-Creators

Nicole M. Overstreet
Dr. Overstreet earned her B.A. in psychology from Smith College and Ph.D. in social psychology from the University of Connecticut. Her research examines how systems of power affect health inequities in marginalized groups, particularly Black girls and women.

Ph.D. Students

Tabitha Powell
Tabitha is a 2nd year PhD student in the Social Psychology program at Clark University working with Dr. Nicole Overstreet. She graduated with her B.S. in Psychology from Florida Southern College and her M.S. in Psychological Sciences from University of North Florida. As an undergrad, Tabi worked with Dr. Leilani Goodman and Dr. Charlie Law investigating rape myth acceptance beliefs of undergraduate and ROTC students. As a master’s student, she worked with Dr. Curtis Phills studying stereotypes about Black women and transgender sexual assault survivors. Currently, Tabi is broadly interested in violence against minoritized groups. Additionally, she is interested in how the intersection of race, gender, and sexuality affect the stereotyping of these groups, and how these groups process/recover from trauma.

Nida Jamshed
Nida is a 2nd year PhD student in the Social Psychology program at Clark University working with Dr. Nicole Overstreet. She graduated with distinction in her B.S in Behavioral Sciences from Fatima Jinnah Women University, Pakistan and her M.Phil with distinction in Psychology from Quaid-e-Azam University, Pakistan. As a Master’s student, she worked on exploring sexual harassment, rape myths and sexual double standards among university students in Pakistan. After her graduation, she worked as Research Assistant in Human Development Research Foundation and visiting lecturer of Psychology in different universities in Islamabad, Pakistan. Currently, Nida is broadly interested in violence against women, Intersectionality and resistance. She is focused on exploring how intersectionality explains and understands the use of different everyday resistance practices by women in slums/poor women against the oppression that they experience from different power structures in Pakistan.

Gia Gambardella
Gia is a 3rd year PhD student in the Social Psychology program at Clark University working with Dr. Nicole Overstreet, and formerly, Dr, Denise Hines. Gia is a graduate of Emmanuel College in Boston, MA where she received her Bachelor of Arts in Counseling and Health Psychology, with a minor in Women and Gender Studies. Throughout her undergraduate career, she worked with Dr. Clare Mehta in the Lifespan Lab where she researched gender composition of online and offline friendships. After graduation, she worked in several direct service capacities, before returning to research. In her graduate studies, Gia is currently focused on exploring experiences of interpersonal violence experienced by members of the LGBTQIA community.

Thekia Jackson
Thekia is a proud alumna of Spelman College in Atlanta, Georgia and graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology. As an undergraduate student, she worked with Dr. Valerie Taylor in the Stereotyping and Social Interactions Lab where she focused on exploring the cognitive and socio-emotional consequences of individuals displaying stereotypical behaviors in group interactions. As the inaugural Spelman College Dalai Lama Fellow, she integrated her research interests and social activism by founding the “B.E.S.T Moms: Building and Encouraging Success in Teen Moms” through a $10,000 competitive grant. Currently, she is focused on examining the relationship between stereotypical images and intimate partner violence.

Undergraduate Students

Aaron Madow
Aaron is a junior at Clark University majoring in Psychology, minoring in Biology, and pursuing a concentration in Public Health. After undergrad, he hopes to obtain a Master’s in Public Health and work with the community to increase access to resources to reduce negative health outcomes. His research interests include how stigma influences self-efficacy and mental health. He enjoys exercising and spending time with friends and family.

Autumn Dauksz
Autumn is a junior at Clark majoring in Psychology with a minor in biology, and studying on a pre-PA track. She is interested in research on health care disparities, along with exploring how she can implement these teachings in her future career as a Physicians Assistant. This semester, she is doing a capstone project on utilization barriers for survivors of domestic violence. She enjoys yoga and working as an EMT.

Inonge Kaloustian
Inonge is a junior at Clark University majoring in Psychology with a minor in biology. She is interested in all things related to public health. More specifically, she is interested in health disparities as they pertain to socioeconomic status, gender, and race, with an emphasis on the experiences of Black women within the US healthcare system. She plans on studying abroad in Cape Town, South Africa in the spring of 2020. After graduation, she intends on getting her Master’s of Public Health, and then matriculating into medical school. She enjoys playing soccer, eating, reading, and spending time with family and friends.

Zahara Shidad
Zahara is a junior at Clark University. She is double majoring in Psychology and Asian Studies. She plans to focus on health psychology and gain more insight and understanding on the impact of illness on mental health and social well-being. She enjoys spending time with friends and family, and playing/watching tennis.

Collin Porter
Collin is a senior at Clark University majoring in Psychology with a concentration in Law and Society. His research interests include dating and sexual violence victimization, focusing more specifically on male victimization and sexual minority victimization. He is currently enrolled in the Accelerated Master’s Program at Clark for Public Administration and plans to go to law school after completing the program. His interests include baseball, football, snowboarding, golf, movie watching, and reading.

Ali Serrantino
Ali is a senior at Clark University pursuing a degree in Biology and Psychology. Her research interests include intimate partner violence victimization and the influences of biology and psychology on physical and mental health. Following graduation, she hopes to pursue a career in healthcare or research, focusing mainly on women’s/maternal health or mental health. She enjoys going to concerts, watching movies, and spending time with her family and friends.

Past Members
Makayla Murphy; Iris Yu; Cassandra Napolitano; Maya Duffy; Laura Galeano; Keegan Daugherty; Kyle Broughton; Alika Gillard; Jia Yi Huang; Magdalene Kwakye; Julissa Lopez; Rishya Narayanan; Emma Frank; Amy Gao; Kayla Landis; Kristi Sarro