Professor Kasmer's Ivanhoe Games

Professor Lisa Kasmer| Clark University | Worcester, MA | 01610

A Letter to Frankenstein (Diary Entry)


Game Description

Frankenstein – Game 1

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Dear Diary,
I have been touched with a fiery passion, and if I do not reflect upon it I am worried I will no longer be able to keep it to myself. Because of these feelings that course through me, I have decided to write a letter to Victor, of which I never intend to send.

My Dearest Victor,

I miss your presence more than I miss sunshine on a rainy day, more than I miss flowers during the winter, more than the presence of anyone else I have ever had the pleasure of becoming acquainted with. You are my truest friend, and I know that it is selfish to wish we could be more, but yet my soul yearns for it. Remember all those childhood memories we shared? I would not trade them for all the riches of the world, nor all the fame and glory. One of my favorite memories is when we were quite young and I was still frightened of the lightning and thunder. There was a violent storm and you succeeded in taking my mind off of the world outside with stories of adventures we would take when we became old enough. You spoke about traveling together, exploring the wilderness, and becoming famous for creating something grand. I nodded my head, as I normally did, wishing deep in my heart that these stories would come true.

For as long as I can remember, I adored you. You are handsome, intelligent, and determined. I remember when we were young, your determination sometimes scared me, but now I see it is both awe-inspiring and attractive, although slightly dangerous. I worry about your health oftentimes, but it is no longer surprising when you are consumed in your work. When you said you had to go off and work by yourself for a while, hunker down on one of the Orkney islands, I knew there was no use trying to stop you. It hurt my heart to let you stay there by yourself with no company, but you were persistent, and I’ve never been very successful in winning arguments with you. Most of the time I am completely content with just letting you be, as long as I am still your best friend and you continue to share so much of your life with me.

I know you are getting married to Elizabeth soon and that has been your parents wish since she was added into your family. I know how kind your heart is and how you will marry her and give her the life she has always dreamed of, but sometimes I dream that you and I could run off together instead. I know that it is purely a self-indulgent fantasy and you are committed to the lovely Elizabeth, who I too regard as a friend, but sometimes I allow myself to dream of a day when you and I could spend the rest of our lives together. I know all this is impossible and that is why I have resolved that being friends is the most we can ever be. Although my life is not as wonderful as it would be if it were you and I, instead of you and Elizabeth, it has been nothing short of a pleasure loving you. There is no other whom I would rather have grown up with and have loved. I will miss you when you go away to live with your dear cousin, but I know that the memories of our friendship will keep me eternally blissed.
Love Always,

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