Meetings with Family Members, Fall 2015: Thanks for all of your help!

We had so many wonderful meetings with family members in the last several months and want to thank all of you for the time you spent with us and the stories and memories that you shared.. In September, Yvette Tolson organized a gathering at Clark

Clark Sept
Clark University gathering

University where we met with representatives of the Perkins, Shropshire, Tolson/Johnson/Clark family, all of whom are descendants of people photographed by Bullard. We shared the Bullard photos, heard many wonderful stories about the Beaver Brook neighborhood, and gathered valuable family information from those present.

We also met in September with Eleanor and Bill Hawley and Stanley Gutridge who shared their memories of Worcester and Beaver Brook.

In October, we had the pleasure of meeting with Laura Pearson and her daughter,  Benetta Kuffour, descendants of Bethany Veney. If you have never read the remarkable story of this former Virginia slave who came to Worcester in the 1860s, do it now!

Bethany Veney


Laura Pearson and Benetta Kuffour

Veney and her family lived in the Beaver Brook neighborhood, where she owned several homes.  While Bullard did not photograph her, he did  take photos of  two children that he listed as  “Jackson Children.” Veney’s daughter, Charlotte, was married to Aaron Jackson.  And while the ages of the children do not match the ages of their children, Benetta Kuffour has suggested that they may be relatives of the family as family members regularly visited from Virginia.


I also had the pleasure of meeting with Abdul Muwwakkil, a descendant of New Bern migrants as well as the Hazard family,  who passed on valuable information about his family roots and growing up in Worcester.

Also in October, we made a presentation of the photos after Sunday services at the Belmont AME Zion Church. Thank you to the Rev. Talley for hosting us, to Yvette Tolson for making arrangements, and to the congregation for our warm welcome and your interest in this project.

Elizabeth Hill, a descendant of Anna Lovett Latham, a migrant from New Bern, North Carolina, and her nephew welcomed us to her home in November.  Bullard photographed both Mrs. Latham and her mother.  Mrs. Hill told us about Anna Latham’s involvement at John Street Baptist Church, her wish to be a missionary,  and the mission society at the church that still bears her name.   She also shared memories of the Harra sisters, photographed by Bullard.

Elizabeth Hill .
Elizabeth Hill


Thanks to all of you for your invaluable contributions!

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