Bullard Exhibition Catalogue Wins Book Prize

“Rediscovering an American Community of Color: The Photographs of William Bullard,” coauthored by Nancy Burns of the Worcester Art Museum  and Janette Greenwood of Clark University, was awarded Historic New  England’s 2018 Book Prize in November. 

In presenting the award, Carl R. Nold, President and CEO of Historic New England, cited two members of the book selection committee: “One wrote: ‘This book meets the Historic New England criteria exactly. It deals exclusively with New England; it presents entirely new scholarship; and it offers fresh perspectives on major themes in American history; perhaps most important, the book speaks to diverse audiences.’ A second member of the committee wrote: ‘I was obsessed with this book and congratulate the Worcester Art Museum and Clark University and the authors for achieving every important goal that exhibitions and their catalogues should aim for: collaboration, outreach, permanence, innovation, and scholarship.’” 

“Rediscovering an American Community of Color,”  the catalogue for the Bullard exhibition held at the Worcester Art Museum from October 2017-February 2018, is still available at Amazon.  A second edition will be published in the coming year. 

Thank you to Historic New England for this honor!