2016 in review (and we have a date!)

The past year has been a highly successful one, as our project continues to move forward in exciting ways. First and foremost, we have a date for the exhibition.  “Rediscovering an American Community of Color: The Photography of William Bullard,” will open at the Worcester Art Museum on Saturday, October 14, 2017 and continue through February 28, 2018.   Last month the Massachusetts Foundation for the Humanities awarded WAM a major grant to support the exhibition.   Clark University continues to be an active partner in this project.  Clark  is providing financial support  for  the exhibition and the accompanying catalogue and will help us develop and maintain  a website to supplement the exhibition and guarantee an ongoing  virtual life for the Bullard exhibition after it closes at the museum.  This spring, Nancy Burns of WAM and I will  co-teach a seminar at Clark, “Public History: Race, Photography, and Community,” in which Clark students will  play an active part preparing the exhibition by researching and  writing text for the photographs and  helping to develop the website.  We’re very grateful to Dean Matt Malsky  for his enthusiastic support for this class and project.

In June, we held the first  of several meeting of the Community Advisory Board.  Originally  organized to help us connect with family members and to help spread the word about the project, the board has taken on new responsibilities in helping shape programming around the exhibition as well as long-term projects that will continue after the exhibition closes.   Members include Benetta Kuffour, George Smith, Maureen Carlos, Yvette Tolson, Thomas Doughton, and Frederick Freeman.  We appreciate their dedication and many contributions!

Frank and I continued to meet with descendants last year.  Among our meetings was a delightful day  in June spent with Doris Oswell Brunot and Dr. Raymond Jackson in Washington, DC, great-grandchildren of David T. Oswell.  We have long been fascinated by David Oswell, whom Bullard photographed holding his viola, not long before his death in 1902.   Known as “Professor Oswell,” for his long, distinguished career as a teacher of violin and guitar in Worcester,  Oswell was born in Boston in 1834 and moved to Canada in the 1850s–likely seeking safety from the 1850 Fugitive Slave Act that placed all northern blacks, free born or not, in danger of being kidnapped into slavery.  Oswell married Adeline Watson of Portland, Maine, in 1855, and they had five children. Daughters Addie,  Jennie, and  Sylvia often accompanied their father in musical performances in Worcester, Boston, and other parts of New England. Professor Oswell, who was also a barber, also had his own orchestra and wrote several operettas.   At the time of his death, the Boston Guardian noted that “it can truthfully be said of him that he never had an enemy in the world.”


Oswell ad.jpg

Advertisement for Prof. David T. Oswell, March 3, 1884, New York Globe


Dr. Raymond Jackson, great-grandson of Professor David T. Oswell

Dr. Raymond Jackson, and his lovely wife, Inez, hosted our meeting at their home in Sliver Spring.  We were thrilled to meet two of his descendants and to share the photograph of their great-grandfather with Raymond, Inez, and Doris, especially as they had never seen his image.   Doris also provided us with valuable information about the Oswell family. To make the day even more special for us, Dr. Jackson  played a piece for us on  his beautiful Steinway grand piano. Musical talent runs very deep in the Oswell family! Like his great-grandfather, Dr. Jackson has had a distinguished career as a music teacher. He is  retired Professor of Piano at Howard University.  Moreover, he has had an outstanding career as a concert pianist and has played all over the world.  We thank him for sharing his remarkable talent with us!




I also had the privilege of meeting with Larry and Nick Schuyler.  Frank recently found a photograph of their grandfather, Raymond Schuyler, on a sled with his children, taken on John Street.  Raymond,  a native of Troy, NY,  came to Worcester in the 1880s and was married to Rose Bates of Vergennes, VT.  Raymond worked for the railroad and the family lived at 51 John Street, a house that remains in the family to this day.  He and his family were members of All Saints Episcopal Church and Raymond was a Mason and was the oldest member of Worcester’s NAACP chapter when he died in 1956.

I had a pleasant surprise when Brian McClain of Florida,  called me phone in November.  A descendant of George Ringels,  Brian came up on ancestry.com several months earlier as author of a family tree that included George Ringels.  Although we did not meet in person, we connected through Skype and had a wonderful conversation and I was able to show him the photograph of Ringels.  As noted elsewhere in this blog, we cannot post the photographs until after the exhibition in October. But I’ve learned that Skype is a good way  to give you a view of your ancestor’s photograph, especially if you live far from New England.

Two dedicated Clark students deserve a big shout out for their help with this past year.   Gabrielle Seligman first began her research with us as a student in my Public History seminar in Spring 2015.  She then continued as a LEEP fellow over the summer and continued her research in her senior year, investigating  the history of the Beaver Brook neighborhood.  Digging in to city planning records, real estate records, city directories, and other sources, she wrote a compelling narrative of the neighborhood’s history and constructed a website http://www.thebeaverbrookneighborhood.com that invites former Beaver Brook residents to post their memories.   Joe Viola was our LEEP fellow in the summer of 2016 and greatly added to our research archive.  Working through city directories and the Boston Guardian, he compiled an extensive list of Worcester’s black organizations and their officers, from 1890 to 1910; found out a great deal about the fraternal organization, the Knights of Pythias (a Knight is featured in the Bullard photographs); and researched the history of revival meetings in the city as well as the revival meetings at the Sterling Campground.  Thanks, Joe and Gabby!

It’s exciting to have the exhibition in sight.  Frank and I continue to be grateful for the opportunity to research these photographs and look forward to their presentation in October 2017 at the Worcester Art Museum.  Thanks to all who have helped us along the way!











4 thoughts on “2016 in review (and we have a date!)”

  1. This is great news about a wonderful project. Congratulations!

    From: “Worcester, MA., People of Color Photo Project” To: jctamarkin@yahoo.com Sent: Thursday, January 5, 2017 1:35 PM Subject: [New post] 2016 in review (and we have a date!) #yiv3024628437 a:hover {color:red;}#yiv3024628437 a {text-decoration:none;color:#0088cc;}#yiv3024628437 a.yiv3024628437primaryactionlink:link, #yiv3024628437 a.yiv3024628437primaryactionlink:visited {background-color:#2585B2;color:#fff;}#yiv3024628437 a.yiv3024628437primaryactionlink:hover, #yiv3024628437 a.yiv3024628437primaryactionlink:active {background-color:#11729E;color:#fff;}#yiv3024628437 WordPress.com | jgreenwood2014 posted: “The past year has been a highly successful one, as our project continues to move forward in exciting ways. First and foremost, we have a date for the exhibition.  “Rediscovering an American Community of Color: The Photography of William Bullard,” will ope” | |

  2. Janette and Frank,
    Thank you so much for pursuing a dream that we (Black community ) didn’t know we had. Frank through your sharing of these negatives, both you and Janette have opened our eyes to a richness in Worcester’s history and the people who have left their mark on this city and its descendants.
    Beaver Brook is a small area of Worcester, but an important area for African Americans . Through the photos, you have brought our history to the forefront. The Black community was an integral part of this city.
    Although, Bethany Veney was not included in Frank’s negative, she was a strong part of the Beaver Brook community. Having owned three houses in that area, those houses still stand. She was also a faithful participant in the Sterling Campground meetings.
    So much of what you two have done, has encouraged me to continue on with my journey.
    Thank you Janette, Frank, WAM,the Bullard Advisory Committee and all your team members for working on this project.

  3. Thank you, Benetta, and your wonderful mother, Laura Pearson, for all you have done to help make this exhibition a reality.The greatest joy of this project has been meeting people like you.

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