The National Institutes of Health
Title: Host diversity and parasite dynamics
Award: $380,000
Duration: 2/14/12-2/13/15
The National Science Foundation
Title: Dissertation Research: Evolution of Parasite-Host Fitness Tradeoffs in a Mosquito-Gregarine System. (J. Soghigian, co-PI)
Award: $19,707
Duration: 9/1/13-8/31/15
The Keck Foundation
Title: Complementary Curricular Networks: tools for integrating a biology
Award: $300,000
Duration: 1/1/06-5/31/10
The National Institutes of Health
Title: Ecology of large and small scale mosquito invasions
Award: $216,900
Duration: 6/1/05-5/31/09
The National Institutes of Health
Title: Climatic effects on mosquito egg hatch patterns
Award: $110,325
Duration: 5/1/97-4/30/01
The National Institutes of Health
Supplemental support for a graduate student
Award: $55,216
Duration: 5/1/98-4/30/00
State of Florida, Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services
Title: Competition and egg-hatch inhibition among tire-breeding mosquitoes.
Award: $26,836
Duration: 2/1/93-12/1/93
The National Institutes of Health
Title: Predicting outcomes of the Aedesalbopictusinvasion.
Award: $101,265
Duration: 5/1/89-4/30/92
The National Institutes of Health
Title: Mechanics of Population Regulation in Aedes triseriatus
Award: $75,000 Duration: 9/30/85- 9/29/87
Apple Computer Corporation
Title: Development of Graphics-based Courseware for Computer Simulation, Optics and Ecology [with D.Stork and H. Gould, Physics, Clark Univ.]
Award: $76,000 (equipment) Duration: 1/1/86-12/31/86
The National Science Foundation
Title: Variable Dormancy as an Organizing Factor in Life History Evolution
Award: $80,000 Duration: 6/1/85- 11/30/88
The National Science Foundation
Title: Habitat Certainty, Dispersal and Colonizing Ability
Award: $50,000 Duration: 7/15/82- 1/14/85