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Research Subjects

The Evolutionary Functional Morphology lab primarily uses squamate reptiles (lizards and snakes) and amphibians in its research. There is a great diversity of these animals on our planet, making them a fascinating research subject. There are over 8400 species of snakes and lizards, and over 4000 species of amphibians. Within each of these groups there is a huge diversity of body shapes, phenotypes, and adaptations. These animals live primarily in temperate and tropical areas, and in most conceivable habitats from wet to dry, cold to hot, arboreal to terrestrial. Not relying on a single model species for study presents its own challenges but allows for an appreciation of the diversity that pervades the research done in this lab. Although the focus of the lab’s research is squamates and amphibians, other animals may also be studied when appropriate for the research questions at hand.



© 2005-2016 Philip J. Bergmann | Updated 3.3.2016