Principal Investigator |
Philip J. BergmannProfessor of Biology E-mail:
Current Students |
Max OlsonPhD Student August 2021 – Present Max is interested in the evolutionary functional morphology of amphisbaenian burrowing.
Achyuthan SrikanthanPhD Student January 2021 – Present Achyuthan is interested in the evolution and diversity of skin microstructures of squamate reptiles, and is particularly interested in snakes and skinks.
Brennan HareMay 2022 – Present Brennan is a fifth year Accelerated Masters student studying local frog health along urbanization gradients.
Ella IncantaloupoJanuary 2023 – Present Ella an undergraduate student studying how skinks navigate cluttered habitats.
Owen NasiJanuary 2023 – Present Owen is an undergraduate student studying how red-backed salamanders escape predators.
Alyssa HopperAugust 2023 – Present Alyssa is an undergraduate student studying vertebral allometry in salamanders. |
Mia TewesMay 2024 – Present Mia is an undergraduate student studying the vertebral allometry of basilisk lizards. |
Jin YooSeptember 2024 – Present Jin is an undergraduate student studying the evolution of hydrophobicity of snake skin. |
Graduate Student Alumni
Max Leslie, MS: 1/2022 to 11/2024 – Thesis “Ontogenetic allometry of the vertebral column in gigantic and non-gigantic salamanders”
Emma McLellan, MS: 8/2021 to 5/2024 – Thesis “Diversity of lizard swimming across species and the impact of morphology”
Julia Beebe, MS: 2/2021 to 5/2024 – Thesis “Where land meets water: A performance and kinematic study on a water-running lizards’ ability to transition between substrates”
Amy Cheu, PhD: 8/2015 to 5/2022 – Dissertation “Performance and kinematic variation in multiple modes of lizard locomotion” – Amy’s Website
Izzy Tonelli-Sippel, MS: 9/2018 to 5/2021 – Thesis “How form function relationships affect trait evolution: A simulation study”
Quincy Milton III, MS: 3/2020 to 6/2021 – Thesis “Locomotor determinants in a pike cichlid-guppy predator-prey interaction”
Sara Mann, MS: 9/2017 to 5/2020 – Thesis “Convergent evolution of snake-like body shapes in squamates: A comparison of locomotion”
Samantha Reed, MS: 5/2017 to 6/2020 – Thesis “Mechanisms determining performance of running on water in the quadrupedal lizard, Anolis sagrei“
Gen Morinaga, PhD: 9/2012 to 12/2018 – Dissertation “The evolutionary functional morphology of snake-like body shapes in squamate reptiles”
Marian Crockett, MS: 5/2014 to 8/2017 – Thesis “The effect of substrate unevenness and irregularity on locomotor performance and kinematics of curly-tailed lizards”
Rob Holden, MS: 5/2015 to 7/2017 – Thesis “Performance variation in basilisk lizards (Basiliscus vittatus) during different aquatic modes of locomotion”
Faye Harwell, MS: 5/2014 to 7/2016 – Thesis “The effects of body temperature and hydration on thermal and moisture preferences, and jumping performance in three species of frog differing in niche use and degree of relatedness”
Cynthia Alonso, MS: 1/2014 to 7/2015 – Thesis “Standardization of phylogenetically independent contrasts and regression”
Hannah Diebboll, MS: 6/2013 to 5/2015 – Thesis “Environmental, behavioral, and size effects on the dehydration rates of amphibians”
Allegra Mitchell, MS: 1/2011 to 5/2014 – Thesis “The effects of body temperature and hydration on environmental temperature and moisture preferences and jumping performance in green frogs (Lithobates clamitans)”
Natasha Tchamitchian, MA: 3/2011 to 5/2013 – Thesis “The effects of anthropogenic and natural acidification on Amphibians”
Past Students
Julianne Liebow, BA: 9/2022 to 5/2023
Hannah Guss, BA: 1/2020 to 5/2022
Mayte Torres Zelaya, BA: 1/2020 to 5/2022
Nat Bickford, BA: 2/2021 to 5/2022
Biko Gayman, BA: 2/2021 to 5/2021
Sarah Charles, BA: 1/2020 to 12/2020
Ben McEvoy, BA: 5/2018 to 5/2020
Eric Cobert, BA: 5/2019 to 8/2019
Lana Le, BA: 1/2017 to 5/2018
Erika Schaper, BA: 9/2014 to 5/2018
David Berry, BA: 9/2015 to 5/2018
Jordan Majka, BA: 1/2016 to 5/2018
Kristen Glennie, BA: 1/2017 to 5/2018
Muhaj Azeez, BA: 5/2015 to 5/2016
Verna Zhao, BA: 5/2015 to 12/2015
Kyle Pettinelli, BA: 1/2012 to 12/2015
Molly Provost, BA: 5/2013 to 5/2015
Sarah Kaufman, BA: 5/2014 to 5/2015
Becca Rood-Goldman, BA: 8/2013 to 5/2014
Leah Siegel-Reamer, BA: 5/2012 to 5/2014
Mandy Gaudreau – PhD Student, 1/2012 to 5/2013
Kelsey Giedymin, BA: 9/2011 to 5/2012
Meredith Hare-Drubka, BA: 5/2011 to 15/2013
David Opp, BA: 1/2011 to 5/2011
Simone Palladino, BA: 9/2011 to 5/2012
Daniel Rabinowicz, BA: 1/2011 to 8/2012
Katelyn Richer, BA: 9/2012 to 5/2013
Erika Roth, BA: 5/2012 to 5/2013
Sarah Schnur, BA: 5/2012 to 5/2013
Allyson Zelck, 1/2011 to 5/2012
Our lab in tempore virus coronae, 2021, Left to Right, Top to Bottom: Achyuthan Srikanthan, Philip Bergmann, Nat Bickford, Izzy Tonelli-Sippel, Mayte Torres Zelaya, Quincy Milton, Amy Cheu, Biko Gayman, Hannah Guss, and Julia Beebe (see below for details) |
Our lab in 2019: (L to R) Philip Bergmann, Amy Cheu, Lana Le, Ben McEvoy, Samantha Reed, Sara Mann, and Izzy Tonelli-Sippel. |
Our lab in 2015: (L to R) Philip Bergmann, Gen Morinaga, Faye Harwell, Verna Zhao, Erika Schaper, Marian Crockett, Muhaj Azeez, and Rob Holden. |
© 2005-2024 Philip J. Bergmann | Updated 11.15.2024