Each of the titles below links to a paper overview. When you get to the overview page, clicking on the “Download” button will download the paper.
Thompson, N.S. (1971). The failure of pluralism. Change [in higher education] , October, 3, 27-32.
Thompson, N.S. (1972a). “University relevance” Is it a positive or negative goal? Clark Now, Spring, 3:2, 16-18.
Thompson, N.S. (1972b). Psychobiology as a form of general education. American Psychologist, 580-582.
Thompson, N.S. (1978a). How shall we educate the class of 1984? Clark Now, 4,:7, 2-5.
Thompson, N.S. (1980). The best use for a small university. [Printed as “Just like ‘good ol’ Charlie Brown’ U”] Clark Now, Spring, 9, No. 2, 13-16.
Thompson, N.S. (1981/83). The oilman cometh. Harvard Magazine, May-June. 4-9 Reprinted in A. Eastman et al. (Eds.), The Norton Reader, 6th Edition. New York: Norton.
Thompson, N.S. and Thompson, P.C. (1981). A utopian perspective on ecology and development. The Environmentalist, 1, 223-228.