Each of the titles below links to a paper overview. When you get to the overview page, clicking on the “Download” button will download the paper.
Thompson, N.S., Olson, C. & Dessureau, B. (1996). Babies’ cries: Who’s listening? Who’s being fooled? Social Research, 63:3, 763-784.
Dessureau, B., Olson, C., & Thompson, N. S. (1998) A reassessment of the role of pitch and duration in adults’ responses to infant crying. Infant Behavior & Development, 21:2, 367-371.
Thompson, N. S., Dessureau, B., & Kurowski, C, (1998). Infant cries as evolutionary melodrama: Extortion or deception? Evolution of Communication, 2:1, 25-43.
Sokol, R. I., Webster, K. L., Thompson, N. S. & Stevens, D. (2005). Whining as mother-directed speech. Infant and Child Development, 14, 478-490.
Thompson, N. S., & Sokol, R. I. (2004). Cashed, Carried, or Crèched? Commentary in Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 27:4, 523..
Thompson, N. S., Sokol, R. I., & Owings, D. H. (2004). Shouldn’t mother know best? Commentary in Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 27:4, 473-474.
Sokol, R.I., Lescak, E., & Thompson, N.S. (submitted). Whines, Cries, and Motherese: Their relative power to distract. (submitted to Interaction Studies, March 2005)