Professor Kasmer's Ivanhoe Games

Professor Lisa Kasmer| Clark University | Worcester, MA | 01610

William Frankenstein

Hello everyone my name is William Frankenstein. I am the baby of the Frankenstein family. My best friends are my older brother Ernest and my cousin Elizabeth. We are always playing together and they are my best friends. They are always a happy mood to play with me and go on walks. They are so much fun to scare too so I love to hide from them. They aren’t my only friends as Louisa Biron is also really fun to play with along with some other girls from the village.

I love my family but I wish I could see my oldest brother, Victor, more. He is always busy studying books that have very scary pictures in them. He seems to be sad a lot and looks sick. I think he needs to go outside and play more with me. Going outside always makes me feel better. Father says Victor spends too much time with his books. I want him to spend more time with Elizabeth. They are the same age as well as engaged to each other but Victor doesn’t visit her much. I think they are as good friends as Louisa and I. I hope that we can stay friends until we are as old as Elizabeth and Victor. They seem happy when they are together and I want to be happy with someone else too.

I do not remember my mother much but I know she was a wonderful and loving woman. I love my father very much as well. He is a great man and he can get rid of all of the monsters that are hiding underneath my bed. Sometimes he seems sad like Victor but he seems to cheer up whenever he sees me. I am glad that I can make him happy. I love my family very much and I want us all to be happy together.

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