Professor Kasmer's Ivanhoe Games

Professor Lisa Kasmer| Clark University | Worcester, MA | 01610

Max Waldman

My name is Max Waldman. I am a professor of chemistry at the University of Ingolstadt. While I specialize in chemistry, I love every scientific discipline.  I study geology, biology, astronomy, and mathematics. At Ingolstadt, I hope to impress on the next generation of Germans the importance and beauty of science, and so foster the next generation of German scientists.

Recently, I met with a student named Victor Frankenstein. At first glance, he strikes me as one of the more driven and talented students I have ever taught. He was greatly interested in chemistry, but had come to it through the alchemy rather than modern science. At first I was a bit taken aback, but now I see it as an advantage. Science today could benefit from the unbounded ambition of the old alchemists.

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