Professor Kasmer's Ivanhoe Games

Professor Lisa Kasmer| Clark University | Worcester, MA | 01610

Justine Moritz

I am writing this with great haste, as I fear that I only have little time left. Anticipating that my end is soon to come, I have decided to document in detail these final, precious moments–so that maybe one day, the truth will emerge, and sense can be made of this cursed situation.

To whomever shall be the first to discover this letter:

My name is Justine Moritz, and I currently reside with the Frankenstein family. Due to devastating circumstances early on in life, I feared that I would be condemned to an existence of loss and despair. However, by the grace of God, I was adopted into the Frankenstein household, where I have since been loved and embraced. I have worked as a servant for the family–although this status is one that is truly unfitting. Do not let the title of my role mislead your perception of my treatment: the family has only ever cared for me in a most humane and gracious manner. Though not related by blood, I am loved by them all as though I were. However, as of late, I fear deeply that this sentiment has shifted. I have been falsely accused of the murder of William Frankenstein, and am now awaiting a trial that will decide my fate. Much still makes little sense, but I have accepted that which God has planned for me. Thus, I have chosen to confess to a crime that I did not commit, and can only pray that the consequences for doing such will not condemn me to an eternity in hell. Shall my soul move on before this case is solved, I beseech to you, the reader of this letter, that you clear my name, and uncover the truth. I can accept death, but I cannot bear the final thought that a family who has done so much to save me, may cast any doubt that I have viciously slayed one of their own. Even in death, I pray that I can be forgiven by God, and those I’ve left behind.

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