Professor Kasmer's Ivanhoe Games

Professor Lisa Kasmer| Clark University | Worcester, MA | 01610

Henry Clerval

My name is Henry Clerval, and I write on the eve of my best friend Victor leaving our home. I have known Victor since I was a boy. Our fathers are good friends, and I have spent many days in the Frankenstein household. Sometimes I fell more a part of their family than my own. My father is a simple merchant, who doesn’t wish for me to go on to greater things. He thinks it is best for me to follow in his footsteps. But I want for something greater our of life. I want to impart kindness onto the entirety of the world. I want to travel, and bring well being to all people. I want to learn.

For this reason I envy my friend Victor. Tomorrow he leaves to study in Ingolstadt. Victor shares my love of knowledge, but he is interested in scientific pursuits. Sometimes he worries me with the way he talks about plans for his future. Victor is very interested in fulfilling some sort of great accomplishment he thinks he is destined for. He seems obsessed with this notion of greatness, and sometimes I fear it could consume him. Despite these worries, I still feel a great attachment to Victor. He is the one person in my life I feel I can tell anything. I hope he feels the same way about me.

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