Professor Kasmer's Ivanhoe Games

Professor Lisa Kasmer| Clark University | Worcester, MA | 01610

Caroline Frankenstein

My name is Caroline Frankenstein. I was born into the Beaufort family and was mainly taken care of by my father. I grew up in an upper class lifestyle, considering my father was once a wonderful merchant. We lived a great life together, just the two of us, until we fell into poverty. Father, having immense pride, could not stand the thought of staying in the same place as his failure, so the two of us moved to Lucerne. The move was not enough to help my dear father, the days spent at home only caused him to become depressed and left him thinking about his failure as a merchant. To help father, I took on small jobs, mainly focused on sewing and plaiting straw. Even the earnings made by these two jobs was not enough to secure a stable lifestyle.

Three months into the move, however, my father grew terribly ill and was bed-ridden, unable to exert much energy. I put aside my jobs in order to care for my father. His condition grew continually worse, and after seven months, my beloved father died in my arms.

I was overcome by not just sadness, but also to fear of what my life was going to become. I was alone in the world with barely enough money to make a living. But, my father’s dear friend Alphonse Frankenstein arrived, coming to visit my father not knowing the terrible outcome of his sickness. Seeing me in my state, he immediately took me into his care and 2 years later, we were happily married.

We now have a family with beautiful children. Alphonse and I are very focused on giving them everything they need to have a peaceful childhood, and also prepare them for their future with the education they will need. Soon, I will be the mother to another child, not one of my own blood, but one that I will treat just the same. Alphonse’s late sister has left a daughter named Elizabeth, and we have decided to take her in as our own. I believe this to be a much better option than leaving her in the care of her stepmother, as now I will be able to care for her the way I believe is best. I can hardly wait to finally meet my new daughter.




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