Professor Kasmer's Ivanhoe Games

Professor Lisa Kasmer| Clark University | Worcester, MA | 01610

Alphonse Frankenstein

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I am a good man with a simple heart, I care deeply for others and only want the best for my family. I idled my dear deceased Caroline for her ability to be kind and selfless towards others. That is why I do everything in my power to uphold her legacy within my household. I loved Caroline up until her dying hour, even now I continue to live by her excellence and put family first. She was a caring woman with the innocence of an angel. Throughout her life she wanted nothing more then for love and kindness to spread across the world. Our marriage and love were pure, and though she is now gone I continue to commit myself to her beauty each day. I have a big family indeed, and an untraditional one at this is due to the “cousins” and “foster children” my dear Caroline and I so readily took in. Although I am now an older single man, I continue to strive and maintain a well received reputation for my family.


As opposed to family and my family’s reputation, I would like to address the subject of science. I do not find very much fascination with the art of science or the natural world. I cannot fathom why my son Victor reads obsessively night after night the texts of dead naturalists, who in all likelihood made no relevant difference in the world. However, I understand his need for science and would strongly prefer him to study outside the house at a University such as Ingolstadt.


Despite my disinterest for science, I believe I lead a low maintenance lifestyle living to see my family succeed and wake up happy each morning. I cherish the gift of love I have been given through being surrounded by so many admirable children. I am simple yet caring and work my hardest each day to live up to all life has to offer.




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