Professor Kasmer's Ivanhoe Games

Professor Lisa Kasmer| Clark University | Worcester, MA | 01610

Revision- Justine Moritz second journal

For my second move, I decided to reply to Alphonse’s letter to Victor with another letter. I thought it would be interesting if Justine had also saw the monster as she was out near the spot where William was murdered. I wanted her to somehow find or intercept Alphonse’s letter to Victor, and realize that they both saw something suspicious the night of the murder but she had already been accused of the crime, so she couldn’t do anything about it. I wanted her to fight for her freedom because in her heart, she knows that she was not responsible for this crime. Justine “beg(s) permission to have a few witnesses examined” concerning her “character” and she claims, “if their testimony shall not overweigh my supposed guilt, I must be condemned, although I would pledge my salvation on my innocence” (59).  I wanted there to be some hope for Justine to be found innocent, and the monster found guilty. After realizing what she saw the night of William’s murder, Justine is “only left to conjecture concerning the probabilities” that the picture she was found with was planted on her, and perhaps “did the murderer place it there” (59)? I wanted her to suspect the creature she saw to have put the picture in her pocket. I imagine that somehow the letter she sends never gets to Alphonse, who never pursues the thought of the mysterious shadow being the murderer, and she is put to death because no one helped fight for her innocence.

Revision- Justine Moritz second journal