Professor Kasmer's Ivanhoe Games

Professor Lisa Kasmer| Clark University | Worcester, MA | 01610

William Comes to Elizabeth in a Dream


Game Description

Frankenstein – Game 2

Please read the rules (click link above) before beginning the game!

Hello cousin Elizabeth. Even in your sleep you still look unhappy. I hope it is not all because of me. I wanted to visit you to reassure you that I am in a better place. I really enjoy it up here in heaven but I often watch my poor family suffer and I long to return to you. I am not alone up here as Justine and mother are also with me and we are watching over all of you. We all love you all dearly.

I hope that knowing we are together and happy comforts you. Please do not blame yourself for my death. No one is to blame other than the monster who did this to me. While I know it is too late to help me, you may be able to help others. I do not have much information about who attacked me other than a physical description. This creature must not have been man as he does not look like any of the men that I have seen in my books or my studies. He is very tall, much taller than father. He appears to be very deformed and has black lips. He is a very scary person but I was not afraid. I told him my father would come save me. Even though father did not come and save me, I am not upset with him as I can now spend time with my mother. When I mentioned fathers name however, the monster appeared to recognize the name somehow and that seemed to have angered him further.  Please tell father about his description and hopefully the creature shall be discovered before anyone else is hurt.

I am sorry to worry you further but I would also like you to watch over Victor. You know how he is. He seems very sickly and sad lately and I feel that he is closing himself off to those around him. Please be there for him and let him know that you two can talk about anything and that his family will always be there for him. I meant to tell him that myself as I wrote a letter to him but I was unfortunately never able to send it to him. Could you possibly find it and give it to him? My letter is in the top left drawer of my desk. I feel that with my letter and your support, our old Victor whom we love will return. Maybe taking him outside and distracting him from the thoughts in his head will help him. That always helped me when I was sad.

I would have loved to have visited Victor in his dreams but I feel that it would be too traumatic for him. He seems to be in a fragile state and I fear that my presence would only push him further into his own mind. I also longed to visit you and I know that you love Victor and wish to help him. I believe that you reaching out to him would be more beneficial than a visit from myself.

I hope my visit did not worry you more but helps you overcome my death. If you ever need reassurance, just remember that I am watching over you along with others who love you very much. Sweet dreams Elizabeth.

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