Professor Kasmer's Ivanhoe Games

Professor Lisa Kasmer| Clark University | Worcester, MA | 01610

My Note, Part 1


Game Description

Frankenstein – Game 1

Please read the rules (click link above) before beginning the game!

This is the story of the past 48 hours, the story of my destruction.

My meeting with Victor went the usual, his delusion of our friendship never seizes to surprise me. Victor unknowingly supplied me with all the necessary knowledge for me to construct the last piece of my creature, a heart and brain to complete the creation. In his conversation, Victor hinted at the importance of a high quality specimen when it comes to the resuscitation of dead-tissue. I therefore decided that the best specimen for my creation could only be the heart and brain of one of my students. If it weren’t for my dependency on Victor and his research I would have used him for my experiment, but have instead chosen one of my best and most promising student to provide the brain and heart for my divine creation.


The following night I summoned the student to my office after my lecture. Before his arrival, I hid behind my office’s large wooden door, expecting his arrival. When he opened the door, I stabbed his back with an old carving knife and quickly moved his body to my secret laboratory behind my large, old, dusty wooden bookshelf. I began removing his still warm heart and brain, and placed them inside my now perfect creation. Now all that was left was to follow Victor’s notes on how to give life to the creature, which I have stolen from him while he went for supper after he heard the university’s cafeteria was serving mince pie – his favorite. Following Victor’s instructions, I fashioned a toga out of an old bed sheet, drank three pints of boiled rat and asparagus broth, jumped three times in the air while reciting a Samuel Johnson poem and grabbed the creatures hand and yelled hocus pocus. To the sound of a thunder the creature awoke, and seemed intently happy being chained to the table. His voice was soft and squeaky, his lips orange, and his eyes pink. He looked at me with a great smile and held his hand out as if he was reaching for a handshake. I imitated the motion and shook his hand, after which the creature simply rested his hand back on the table and fell asleep.


To be continued…

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