Professor Kasmer's Ivanhoe Games

Professor Lisa Kasmer| Clark University | Worcester, MA | 01610

She Came to Him in a Dream


Game Description

Frankenstein – Game 1

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My dear Alphonse, though I cannot see you in real life, I believe this to be the best way to reach you. I have been watching down on you and my beloved family whom I miss a great deal. Lately, I’ve noticed the pain that my sudden departure has left, and the guilt that haunts you nightly. I want to say my love, that you should not blame any of this on yourself. I believe you to be my guardian angel who was there for me when I was at my lowest, and now I feel as though I should return the great act you did for me those years ago. It pains me that I am not there to comfort you and my family in person, to wipe the tears from your eyes as you did for me, to calm your nerves from the nightly terrors. But due to my absence, this is my best I can offer.

While I was distraught over my father’s passing, remember my love that it was you who helped me move on. Even if you were unable to help me in the dream, my passing was something you could not have stopped. I died calmly and at peace with the mark I had left on my family. Though I wish to have been there longer to raise my children, I feel as though the foundations you and I built, and instilled for them were strong and ones that you will be able to continue alone. My only hope is that our children are able to explore what interests them, and what they feel brings them happiness. But my dear,

The death of William was terribly sad, especially due to his young age, but I hope it eases your mind to know that he is at peace above as well as I am. While I do not feel like I can expose the true events that have happened to him, I must ask you to stop blaming yourself for his death. You continue to carry the burden for all the bad things that have happened in the family and those are things you could have changed. Instead, try and focus on the good things. Bringing Elizabeth into our family and raising her as your own, giving her a childhood she might not have received from another. You have given two people a better life, myself and Elizabeth, something most people cannot say they have done once. The days we spent at our summer home near Believe were days solely filled with happiness, ones that you should not forget about even though it may now seem as though the family as lost it.

Before I am able to leave with peace, let me tell you this. Do not try and be strong for everyone. You were strong for me, strong for your sister’s husband, and now you once again try to put up this face clear of emotions. But my dear, it is these emotions that can bring people together, these emotions that are so utterly human. While it is good to continue your duty as the head of the Frankenstein family, do not forget that you are not alone. Just because I will make my move on after this, does not mean that your children will leave you. You have them to rely on as they do to you.

I now say my final goodbye to you, my love. I hope this is able to put some thoughts in your mind to peace, knowing that William and I are able to move on as you should as well. Do not dwell on past events, especially those that you could not change the outcome of. Goodbye Alphonse, I love you.

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