Professor Kasmer's Ivanhoe Games

Professor Lisa Kasmer| Clark University | Worcester, MA | 01610

My Son Takes a Trip


Game Description

Frankenstein – Game 1

Please read the rules (click link above) before beginning the game!

“I urged my entreaty with earnestness, and my father was easily induced to comply; for a more indulgent and less dictatorial parent did not exist upon earth. Our plan was soon arranged. I should travel to Strasburgh, where Clerval would join me. Some short time would be spent in the towns of Holland, and our principal stay would be in England. We should return by France; and it was agreed that the tour should occupy the space of two years.

My father pleased himself with the reflection, that my union with Elizabeth should take place immediately on my return to Geneva. “These two years,” said he, “will pass swiftly, and it will be the last delay that will oppose itself to your happiness. And, indeed, I earnestly desire that period to arrive, when we shall all be united, and neither hopes or fears arise to disturb our domestic calm.”

“I am content,” I replied, “with your arrangement. By that time we shall both have become wiser, and I hope happier, than we at present are.” I sighed; but my father kindly forbore to question me further concerning the cause of my dejection. He hoped that new scenes, and the amusement of travelling, would restore my tranquillity.” -pg 118

Dear diary,

I feel as if there is a turning of the tides coming about. As of recently I was still worrying about what was going on in Victor’s head. His spirits have obviously been troubled since the death of poor William. I can understand that. But I feel like there was still something he was telling me. Something more, something that was clawing at his conscious. I did not know how worried I should be. Whether or not he’d be able to snap out of it I could not be sure. He just seemed so troubled so upset. As I pondered what I could be a conclusion finally came to me. Could it be the Victor was having second thoughts towards his marriage to Elizabeth? Could the thought of marrying her be the cause of this melancholy attitude which he had been radiating towards everyone? I shuddered at the thought of it. I swore to my poor departed wife that I would fulfill her last wish; that Elizabeth and Victor should be married no matter what. That is what she wanted more than anything else. That is what she wished for on her death bed. What kind of husband would I be if I were not to comply with my wife dying wish? The thought of going against my word to her. It pained me. I could not let things go this terrifying road. I’d seen how Victor had been getting farther and farther away from all of us. But I had always thought deep down that he loved Elizabeth and that he to wish to wed her. That that was the plan all along. Was it not?

This matter I had to deal with myself before it was too late. I approached Victor upon the matter. To my relief, he told me that the prospect of marrying Elizabeth was one of the only joys that still lingered in his life. That he wanted nothing more than to marry her and that they both live in happiness together with each other.

A huge weight was lifted off my shoulders. I was so relieved. Up till the point he completed his response to me I don’t think I breathed or blinked. I was finally able to give a sigh of relief.

Now assured that Victor was completely onboard and there was no need to beat around the bush any longer, I proposed to Victor that the wedding take place post haste, without any delay. Why wait when we could get it all over with. They both could be happy together as husband and wife. I hoped that this idea would also raise Victors spirits as he would have something to look forward to, something he hadn’t had for a long time. However he declined my request. I wasn’t sure why at first.

Victor explained to me that he wished to visit England before resigning himself to the walls of his native town. I understood Victor for a moment. Perhaps it just came with age but I understood the importance, the prizes of seclusion. He asked for 2 years. I consented. I knew that when all was said and done Victor would return to us. When he did, he could finally be happy. Elizabeth would be happy, I would be happy, the whole family would be happy. And that’s what I wanted more now than ever before.

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