Professor Kasmer's Ivanhoe Games

Professor Lisa Kasmer| Clark University | Worcester, MA | 01610

Letter to Victor Frankenstein


Game Description

Frankenstein – Game 2

Please read the rules (click link above) before beginning the game!

Dear Victor,

I’m writing to thank you for all of your help. And to tell you that it worked. I would like to say that I am proud to have been your teacher, but, in truth, it feels more as if you have been mine. I considered myself a lover of scientific achievement when I taught you at Ingolstadt. I was content moldering in academia while others took the risks and molded the world. When I heard rumors of your work, I realized there was much more I could aspire to. What worthier cause to work at than the destruction of the boundaries separating life and death? And why should I not try my hand, if a student of mine was making such advances? You inspired me, and, when I called on your aid, you assisted me. Generations of scientists and natural philosophers have worked towards the same goals as you, and all of them combined have not made advances equal to yours. You are one of the great minds of this century, and perhaps of all history. Your insight into the obscure energies of life was invaluable. I would never have succeeded without it. I tell you all this because today the plasm moved. I didn’t move it. There was no wind or vibration in the laboratory, but the plasm moved. It moved itself, my dear Victor. I have only you to thank.


Your Friend,

Dr. Max Waldman

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