Professor Kasmer's Ivanhoe Games

Professor Lisa Kasmer| Clark University | Worcester, MA | 01610

Let my Girl Go!



Game Description

Frankenstein – Game 2

Please read the rules (click link above) before beginning the game!

A letter from Alphonse to the jury of Geneva asking for Justine to be freed and return home

Dear Jury of Geneva,

I have known the girl for many years now. Her beauty and grace shine throughout my entire home both day and night. The girl has grown impressively independent but has never ceased to stay loving. She cared deeply for my poor deceased William, and would by no means ever have wished him dead. For years the girl has been a wonderful addition to my unusual family, putting a smile on all of our faces.

The night of poor William’s death she pleaded kindly to my niece Elizabeth, asking to venture off and visit a friend for the remainder of the evening. I heard the girl ask Elizabeth for permission to visit and watched her leave my household at once. She had done this before, she goes off to visit pupils on a regular basis and always return in the next morning. Although she returned the very next morning something seemed different about her. She no longer had a sparkle in her eye the way she used to. She didn’t seem happy and excited to be wandering around the halls of my home. Instead she seemed frightened, not by an act she was trying to cover up, but by a means of feeling truly terrified. This my dear jury is the exact reaction I had the very moment I saw the “creature”, the abominable force of nature I swear on my life exists and is the true murderer of William. I therefor beg you with all the good in your heart, to please believe me when I say the girl is innocent! I know I have very little credit remaining in the world of Geneva since the general population now considers me a “mad man”. But please believe me when I say the girl is suffering from the sight of the creature. She is simply in shock that such a monster even exists. I plead to you with every bone I have left in my body that the girl is innocent! She sits idly in her cell waiting her falsely accused death. I can all but hope you will find the good in your hearts to let her go. Please allow her to return home to her family! Allow her to live a peaceful life as the young and beautiful girl she is! Justine must live, for her soul and beauty as are as pure as my poor William’s innocent life once was. I expect no response on your end other than the girl’s presence back in my arms by morning

Farwell good men,

Alphonse Frankenstein

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