Professor Kasmer's Ivanhoe Games

Professor Lisa Kasmer| Clark University | Worcester, MA | 01610

Dream of Me


Game Description

Frankenstein – Game 2

Please read the rules (click link above) before beginning the game!

The night after Alphonse sends his plea to the jury, his deceased wife appears to him in a dream:

She is a vision in a flowing white gown, a tender smile upon her soft face.

My dearest Alphonse, she says,

I cannot stay long, but I must speak with you, one last time on this earth!

I cannot tell you where I am, and even if I knew for sure, I don’t think you would understand.

Do not speak, but listen. I haven’t long in this plane. She looks up at the night sky. Oh but isn’t the moonlight lovely? I chose to appear before you on that night, many years ago, when you asked for my hand…She gazes off into the distance, lost in memory…

Where was I? Oh yes…

Since my death, I have been watching you and the children whenever I  get the chance. Glimpses of your lives appear to me-wherever I am-and I see how much you all have suffered. I am afraid that Justine will not come home to you. She will be with me soon, though not by lack of trying on your part. I can see her destiny, and I can see yours as well, and Victor’s and Elizabeth’s…But that is not for you to worry about.

You must promise me something, my love. Be strong and hold what remains of our family together, and beware. You know that there is danger among you.

That is all I can say, my time here is spent. Do not follow me into the dark too soon my dear husband, but also know that I await you with open arms, whenever your time of rest comes.

She spread her arms wide and smiled, but vanished as the wind howled through the night before Alphonse could embrace her.

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