Professor Kasmer's Ivanhoe Games

Professor Lisa Kasmer| Clark University | Worcester, MA | 01610

A Letter Home


Game Description

Frankenstein – Game 2

Please read the rules (click link above) before beginning the game!

My Dearest Cousin,


It is so good to hear from you. My life in exile has been so lonely. I do think Felix blames himself; directly, yes it is his fault. I just wish I had been more proactive and opened my eyes more to his situation. I wish he trusted me enough to talk to me. I may have been able to prevent our exile if I had only been given warning and time.

It is my daughter who dictates this letter, and you would laugh to see her disagree with me. As always, she sees the best in everyone, and she blames neither me nor my son. However, I do think there are preventative measures that could have been taken that may have changed our fate. We may still be living like royalty in France right now if only Felix had tried to talk to me.

I worry for both my children, but Agatha and Felix are both physically healthy. They do the most wonderful job taking care of their old, blind father. We have made a decent life for ourselves out here. Felix longs for Safie, and he does say how he plans on bringing her here, one day. I’m not sure when this will happen but I can only hope for his happiness.


I look forward to hearing from you soon;

Your humble servant

Your Cousin DeLacey


ps. I add this in my own handwriting and only pray it is legible. I don’t want to worry my daughter with my troubles. I’m hoping years of practiced calligraphy classes have kept my words neat, though I cannot see them. But I worry there is a stranger on our land. Often I hear noises coming from the woodshed, and I know it is too big to be an animal. One time, at night, I saw a shape in my window…it reached in and– (illegible)–and I prayed it was just a nightmare, for–(illegible)–I don’t want the children to know I’m upset. I will write as often as I can.

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