Professor Kasmer's Ivanhoe Games

Professor Lisa Kasmer| Clark University | Worcester, MA | 01610

My Note, Part 2


Game Description

Frankenstein – Game 1

Please read the rules (click link above) before beginning the game!

The following day I jumped out of bed looking forward to see what have happened to my magnificent creation. Once I arrived at the University I rushed through the halls, ignoring my colleague’s good morning blessings until I finally reached the door to my office. Once I was inside, I quickly enter my laboratory where I was surprised to find the creature still asleep. Due to my impatience, I quietly reached for its arm, and to my horror, its hand was cold as ice and I could not detect a pulse. The creature was dead, my experiment had failed!

I was furious, and could not understand what I did wrong. I followed Victor’s instructions to the letter. I now suspect Victor knew I was trying to get a hold of his work and had purposefully fed me the wrong information to get me to fail.


Somehow, I managed to convince myself that Victor’s ignorance and lack of social skills were unintentional, and that he meant no harm. Initially, when I met him, I thought nothing of his weird behavior. In fact, I mostly attributed it to his incredible talent and his love and obsession with science. But now, I realize he was aware of my intentions and had a cunning plan of his own. Every time he would visit my office he would only agree to discuss the sciences and never anything that did no concern his studies, I thought I had the upper hand, that I was extracting information from him. Bun now I know he was feeding me information, enough to make sure my experiment continued but not enough for it to succeed. And worse, now he is creating a creature of his own, attempting to play god and succeeding at it!


There is not denying, Victor was always a step ahead of me. From the day I met him, he used me. I introduced him to the science, provided him with all of my knowledge, gave him access to my laboratory and with that to all my latest research, and made sure he was fluent in all branches of natural philosophy. I turned him from an ordinary scientist into a great scientist, and with that gave him the tools to destroy me. I’ve spent months working, committing murder to perfect my creation. And now I have nothing to show for it. I have committed horrific crimes to be where I am now, and have no choice but to end my life before they are discovered.


To the person who finds this letter, please know, I have not meant for things to go the way they have, and deeply regret my action. Send my love to my wife and family, and an apology to the family of the student I killed.



–       M. Waldman

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