Professor Kasmer's Ivanhoe Games

Professor Lisa Kasmer| Clark University | Worcester, MA | 01610

Diary of Alphonse Frankenstein: As my Family Falls Apart


Game Description

Frankenstein – Game 1

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Dear Diary,


There are times I wonder if I’m doing my job well as a father. As much as I try, I am only one man. There is only so much I can do. I feel like I cannot give my children what they need to be happy. Victor especially. He always loved his mother, my dear departed Caroline. Were she still around, would things be different. Would my family be happy? I can only imagine. The smiling faces of my sons, Elizabeth. A dream keeps haunting me in my sleep. I see Caroline by her father’s tomb. She is weeping much like so long ago. I walk up to her and try to comfort her but she does not realize I am there. She can’t see me or hear me, feel my touch as I grasp her shoulder. Before my eyes her body sinks into the ground and I am only allowed to gaze upon her in horror as I am left paralyzed by some unknown force, powerless to stop my beloved from sinking down beneath the earth to be with her father and my friend. That is not all however. Once I am able to move, I turn my head to see her tomb stone now laid down, her name etched in blood. I keep looking on in agony and despair as I see not only hers but my poor Williams as well now. I think to myself, oh what have I done, as if I had put them in the ground myself.  And then I wake up and a deep sweat, drenched from head to toe, breathing hard. I can’t go on like this. Never before have I awoken in such a terrible state. I feel like every time I wake up from one of these nightmares, I’ve had the life sucked out of me, and if this keeps happening there won’t be much left to take. These dreams all started happening the day my poor boy William faced his untimely death. As the head of the Frankenstein family I needed to be strong. Keep up my duty as a father to my children. Set an example for Victor. Oh dear Victor. He is still in a shock of his brother’s death as well. I can only imagine what it must be like. I loved William more than any other parent could love their son. I told Victor that. I told him that it was his duty to stay strong and to not burden other with despair by spreading it, in the state that he was in. He looked pale, pained. What could’ve been running through his head as I spoke to him? He didn’t even toss me a glance as I began to tear up in front of him. I told him his duty as a Frankenstein was to stay strong. And get over this pain he was feeling for everyone’s sake. But here I am having nightmares and waking up wet from head to toe. I really don’t know what this is coming to. I feel things might only be getting worse soon. There must be something coming. I feel it and all of us must be ready for when I t does. I can only hope that my family can keep on going even with the great lost we have been left with already. It’s my duty as head of the family to make that happen.

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