Professor Kasmer's Ivanhoe Games

Professor Lisa Kasmer| Clark University | Worcester, MA | 01610

A Letter to Victor From William


Game Description

Frankenstein – Game 2

Please read the rules (click link above) before beginning the game!

This letter was written by William Frankenstein to his brother Victor two days before he was killed. The letter had not been sent yet and was found weeks later in his room.

Dear Victor,

Elizabeth has been helping me work on my writing, isn’t it much better? It has been so long since you have been my teacher and I wished to show you my improvement. I also wanted to write to you because I miss you very much. Everyone here misses you especially Elizabeth and father. I know that Elizabeth loves to play with Ernest and me but I can tell that sometimes she gets sad. She does have Justine here but as she is often occupied with her chores, Elizabeth does not get much interaction with people her own age. I often invite her to play with my friends but she never seems truly happy. I wish that you would come home soon. You would make everyone here happy.

Father says that you are studying a lot of science at University. I hope you are enjoying all that you are learning. You rarely write us and I hope you are doing well. I am sure that you just have a lot of work for your studies but I hope it is not too much for you. I am so proud that I can tell my friends that my big brother is going to be a famous scientist. They don’t believe me but I believe in you. Please do not get so involved in your work that you forget about everything else in your life. Your work scares me because it is so unknown. I hope that it does not scare you and that you use it for good.

As I am sure that your work is not very happy, I wanted to tell you about home to cheer you up. The weather this past week has been perfect spring weather. The fields are all green and there are flowers everywhere. As we were stuck in the house during most of the winter, Elizabeth suggested that we all go out for a picnic to enjoy the nice weather. So yesterday, Elizabeth, Father, Ernest, Justine and I went to the Plainpalais. It was unfortunately a gloomy day but we still tried to enjoy it the best that we could. Elizabeth, Ernest and I played hide and seek for a little while but the weather was not nice enough to be outside very long. We plan on returning again in two days when it is nicer out. Hopefully then we can play a better game of hide and seek. I wish you could join us as that would make everyone happier.

I hope you have enjoyed my letter. Haven’t I improved since you last read my writing? I hope this letter cheers up your day and reminds you of home. Good luck with your studies.

Much love,

William Frankenstein

May 5th 17-

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