Professor Kasmer's Ivanhoe Games

Professor Lisa Kasmer| Clark University | Worcester, MA | 01610

A plea for Help


Game Description

Frankenstein – Game 2

Please read the rules (click link above) before beginning the game!

Letter to Victor asking for help, after William Frankenstein’s death

“My dear Victor,

While I am sure you have been waiting patiently the date for which you will be departing home, it rips me apart to report news more harrowed then anything in your imagination. My dear son, William is dead! Your baby brother was murdered in a field not far from our home late one evening. The exact details of his death are far from important and can wait until your arrival back in Geneva. To be concise, he was playing a game of hide and seek with a fellow member of the family while the rest of us were out for a nice evening walk. Upon our return home we discovered William did not reappear after a long round of the game. After hours and hours of searching for the small boy we found him dead. The beautiful figure of young and innocent William, dead! He lay lifeless in a field with choke marks spread across his neck. Deep, dark, black choke marks, exposed to the public as if to mock me of how easy murdering the innocent can be. I sent the family home at once because I wanted to do further investigation into his murder. However, as I was searching for hidden clues about his death, I began to feel an ominous cloud of nerves fill my sensations. An oversized shadow in the distance peered out from between the tree line. I made my way towards the forest to discover the means of this mysterious shadow. No sooner did my eyes meet a hideous beast over twice the size of a normal man than did I faint in fear. I later woke up after quite a few hours had passed to be unreasonably ill. I have since been fighting the stinging pains of sickness while simultaneously trying to keep the family spirits high. I am also paying close attention to our dear Elizabeth, because she more than anyone is miserable at the loss of poor William. Except no one here will take my consolations anymore, for everyone thinks of me a madman! No one believes me when I convey the size of the grotesque beast that I saw! They all believe me to be going crazy due to the severity of my illness! I beg of you Victor, please hurry home! Help me find the hideous monster and together we can prove my sanity! The good reputation of our family lies within the stability of our home. With me, our homes strongest member thought to be mad, not a sole will ever look upon our name with good notation again. Do not let your baby brother, the innocent and virtuous William leave this earth in vain! Please, please, I beg of you son, return home at once, and save us from our misery! I will fight with all my will to understand, even fathom the art of science I once strived passionately to ignore. Upon your knowledge and help I believe we can discover an explanation for such an inhuman beast. Geneva awaits you with open arms and a solemn heart, and I bid you safety on your return journey. Your family awaits you eagerly with the little hope we have left. I await you tenderly, for I know you alone have the power to make sense of this unholy account of a creature. I send you my love with all the strength I have left.

Your loving and suffering father,

Alphonse Frankenstein

Geneva, May 12th, 17

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