Student V showed so much growth in writing and he showed me that he pushed himself hard (Goal 2) in every lesson and worked independently (Goal 1). He also learned how to collaborate with other students (Goal 3) in so many ways.
At the start of the year, this student was very reluctant to write with detail, and preferred math over writing. He would rush through writing and expressed that he did not like it at all. I was very determined to change his mind about writing. Below, you can see his growth from September-April. He has grown so much with his independence, pushing himself, and working with others. In April, he was able to partner-read his writing and help make edits to other student’s writing. He now has strategies to work through his writing and planning. He now writes with detail and purpose.

His fiction writing from April. He was able to write 5 pages with limited help. He sounded out words, used the word walls, used punctuation, and pop-out words. I am so proud of his progress. He has become an amazing writer, and most importantly, I was able to teach him how to love writing.