- Students will be independent learners.
- ELA: In the beginning of the year, students would struggle to write anything on their own. They would struggle to come up with ideas, to spell words, and they struggled with punctuation. I worked very hard to push students to write more, and with more detail. I knew what my students were capable of. We used the word wall in our classroom to help build independence. Every time we would teach a new word, we would put the word up on the word wall. Students can look at the word wall to spell words, instead of asking me for help. This was a great way to push independence because students could learn to write whole sentences by themselves.
- Math: Students grew independence by their use of the hundred charts, cubes, and their ability to do ST Math by themself. Students now know how to use the hundred chart to add and subtract within 120, which I taught to them over and over again until it stuck. When we introduced the hundred chart, students were overwhelmed and felt lost. Now, students are able to add and subtract with the hundred chart very quickly and fluently. I am so proud of their ability to use this chart to do work by themself. Students can also use their cubes by themselves to measure and to add and subtract within 10. Students are able to use the cubes to do their own work.
- I have also pushed students to be independent during ST math time. In the start of the year, all the students would be raising their hands looking for help. But now, students know to use their hundred chart, cubes, and white boards when they are solving ST math problems. It is incredible to see how independent students are during ST math time. I am so proud of the progress students have made in math.
- Students will push to work hard in every lesson.
- Science: Throughout the year, my students have grown so much with science. We do not get a large chunk of time to do science every day. Students worked so hard in our sound and light unit. One of the ways students worked so hard in science this year was through learning new science vocabulary and working so hard to understand it. One of my learning goals was; Students will know what opaque, transparent, and translucent mean. My students went above and beyond with this learning goal. My students were able to apply their understanding of the three new vocabulary words to conduct a light experiment with flashlights and different items to see how the light passed through.
This is student work from an ELL student, who came to our classroom with no English. He learned these words and were able to apply them to the lesson. -
- Students will be able to collaborate with each other.
- ELA: Students collaborate with each other when we do writing and reading. Students “buddy read” with each other and they also learned to peer edit each other. Students peer-edited their opinion writing and were able to check if their writing had “SWAG” (Starts with capital letter, written neatly, a space between each word, and given punctuation)
Buddy reading on the carpet. This is a favorite activity for students. It is amazing to see how students can learn to work together without arguments if they are given proper modeling. -