My name is Sophia Maselek and I just completed my student teaching in Worcester at Jacob Hiatt Magnet School. I was lucky enough to be placed in an amazing first grade classroom. Through this ePortfolio, you will see my experiences over this past year during my practicum.
This year has taught me so much about teaching, and so much about myself. I was pushed to work the hardest I have ever worked before. My 13 students taught me so much about teaching and pushed me to be an amazing teacher.

I would like to shout out some of the individuals who helped me get to where I am today…
- Danielle Svendsen – My amazing mentor teacher who guided me through everything this year. I could not have asked for a more caring and amazing mentor.
- Sue Allen – My supportive advisor who helped me through this year with rounds, CAPS, takeover, and everything in between.
- Holly and Carmen- My supportive faculty at Clark who guided me through all of the difficult weeks and pushed me to work hard every day!
- My family and friends- My family and friends were there for me to help me when I was stressed and they continuously told me that everything was going to work out.
- The MAT Cohort – My awesome cohort that was there for me every day. We truly are a one-of-a-kind group.
You can find my resume here.