
A teacher is so much more than a source of information for students.  Teachers are mentors, friends, and sometimes parent-figures for students.  They help students navigate the world around them, and come to terms with their specific contexts and communities.  In order to take on these tasks, teachers must recognize that they are multi-faceted beings themselves.

On my journey to become an effective educator, I have drawn from the influence of my family, former educators, home community, life experiences, and personal interests.  Over the course of this year, my teaching style has been both supported and challenged by the classroom, school, and larger community in which my practicum took place.  All of these experiences together have crafted me into an educator that prioritizes student culture and community, recognizes the unique challenges that each child faces, and aims to support each child individually.  Beyond teaching my students the required content, I hope to inspire them to think critically about the world around them and use their knowledge and experiences to take action and create positive change within their communities.