Reflection on Collegial Learning

Though this year has been filled with surprises, difficulties, and many challenges, I could not have asked for a better group of people to navigate it with.  When I began this program, I had no idea how valuable my relationships with my peers and professors would be to my experience in this program.  My professors, through their rigorous classwork and contemplative discussions, have challenged my philosophies and assumptions about the teaching profession.  They have also offered me opportunities to read and learn from other professionals by suggesting and assigning books and articles that offer new perspectives on the profession (these readings will be discussed further on the Professional and Community Resources page).  But while I expected suggestions and support from my professors, I never anticipated the impact my fellow MATs would have on my growth as an educator.  Not only were the other MAT students a great resource for clarifying questions, helpful teaching tools, and emotional support, but they engaged in professional discourse in order to help me better my practice.  I feel lucky to have been supported by my peers who attended my rounds lessons, and I am thankful for the opportunities I was given to support them as well.  I have built lasting connections with my fellow teachers-in-training that I will continue to foster as we graduate from this program and build our professional lives.  This experience has instilled in me the importance of building genuine relationships in the workplace, and how those relationships can blossom into opportunities to collaborate for the benefit of our students and our practice.  I have learned so much from every professor, mentor, and peer, and I look forward to making new connections as I move forward into my professional life.